The Freud Folder

Book Details
- Publisher : Eros & Psyche Editions
- Published : 2015
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 37949
- ISBN 13 : 9789892058283
- ISBN 10 : 9892058283
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Composed of five charts, which provide a permanent source of information and complementary material to the study of Freud’s life, work, and the psychoanalytical movement. The Freud Folder’s striking visuals and carefully designed fold-outs, were conceived for at-a-glance consultation.
A two-metre fold-out timeline divided into three rows: life–work–world. It begins with the birth of Sigmund Freud in 1856 and ends in 1940, with the publication of two posthumous works. Acting as a teaching and chronological guide to the research and study of psychoanalysis, it also allows for connections between scientific and cultural events happening in the world at the turn of the twentieth century.
Freud’s family tree starts with his parents and follows his genealogy until his current day descendants. The layout provides an easy reading of the name, age, sex, profession, date and place of birth and death of his parents, siblings, half-brothers, wife, children and grandchildren. It also includes a more abbreviated view of his nephews and great-grandchildren.
A fold-out based on the research of Ernst Falzeder that presents the analysands of the pioneers of the psychoanalytical movement including Freud, Ferenczi, Abraham, Sachs, Rank, Jones, Anna Freud and Klein. The diagrams outline strands of theoretical filiation at the beginning of psychoanalysis.
A fold-out presenting a comprehensive view of the main theoretical schools that stemmed from the work of Sigmund Freud. It features a schematic presentation of the schools’ founders and provides a brief summary of their key concepts.
In 1926, aged seventy, Freud gave a rare interview to George Sylvester Viereck at his summer house in Semmering, in the Austrian alps. With the incisive wit and perceptive intelligence that characterized him, Freud discusses issues including family, love, illness, death, psychoanalysis, the psychoanalytical movement, literature and philosophy.
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