The Groups Book: Psychoanalytic Group Therapy: Principles and Practice

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2010
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 440
- Category :
Group Psychotherapy - Category 2 :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 29016
- ISBN 13 : 9781855758506
- ISBN 10 : 1855758504
Also by Caroline Garland
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Including The Groups Manual, A Treatment Manual, with Clinical Vignettes.
'This book is very important both for psychoanalysis and for social science. Psychoanalysis began with the treatment of individuals and in its early days attended to the conflict between the individuals wishes and society. It was not for some time that it fully addressed the fact that the ostensible individual was a social animal, who was never outside his group even when ostensibly alone. In this book what has been learnt from the study in depth of individual psychopathology is brought to bear on what can be learnt from studying people in groups and vice versa. This integration is a challenge to both, and is perhaps the most relevant in contemporary psychoanalysis.'
- Dr Ron Britton, Psychoanalyst, former President of the British Psychoanalytical Society
Reviews and Endorsements
'This excellent book provides impressive depth, and refreshing clarity of expression and thinking about psychoanalytic group psychotherapy, as well as insights about group life more broadly. The editor's profound conviction in the value of psychological work done by groups, her masterful use of psychoanalytic theory to understand group life, and the liveliness of the clinical examples (often of patients with severe difficulties) make it very pleasurable to read. A splendid section of the Manual on the group therapist's tasks outlines the principles of technique and will inspire future generations of group therapists. An outstanding volume, which I am delighted to recommend.'
- Margaret Rustin, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, London
'This book is unique in that it contains the first usable, lively and informative Treatment Manual for psychoanalytic group psychotherapy, bringing together a wealth of anecdotes and experience in an eminently user-friendly way. Anybody practising psychoanalytic group therapy would do well to immerse themselves in the volume as a whole. It creates a whole new opportunity for rejuvenating this field of work, containing chapters by an impressive body of experts, with many clear examples of Tavistock technique at its best.'
- Anton Obholzer, Psychoanalyst, Organisational Consultant, former Chief Executive Officer, Tavistock Centre, London
David Armstrong, Jo-anne Carlyle, Caroline Garland, Francesca Hume, Sarah Majid, Philip Stokoe, Joanne Stubley
About the Editor(s)
Caroline Garland is a consultant clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst, who founded the Unit for the Study of Trauma and Its Aftermath in the Adult Department of the Tavistock Clinic. She has worked for over fifteen years with a number of colleagues specialising in the theoretical understanding and the psychotherapeutic treatment of trauma.
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