The Half-Alive Ones: Clinical Papers on Analytical Psychology in a Changing World
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2006
- Cover : Paperback
- Category :
Jung and Analytical Psychology - Catalogue No : 22701
- ISBN 13 : 9781855753747
- ISBN 10 : 185575374X
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The Half-Alive Ones consists of nine clinical papers and two more theoretical ones. It celebrates almost fifty years of therapeutic work, depicting some of the author's most poignant professional experiences, both personal and collective.
The author sees herself as an eclectic Jungian, with a flexible approach to analysis and therapy, revealed in her case studies, which demonstrate that the author rarely works with a single person who is ill by himself. She finds it more fruitful to perceive him and to treat him as part of a total situation, which he brings into the consulting room: his family of origin, his work situation, and part or current significant relationships.
Eva Seligman attempts to confirm her deep-felt belief that good listening, sensitive timing, versatility, and evaluation of the other's truth, are indispensable ingredients of every therapeutic hour. Analysis is but an arid endeavour without compassion and creativity.
Reviews and Endorsements
'This eminently readable book distils much of the author's decades of analytical and psychotherapeutic work... We are given a refreshing and frank account of her humane and flexible approach to analysis. Her case histories are particularly valuable in illustrating how, in the development of the individual person, nature and nurture, instinct and environment, the archetypal and the personal, are in continual interaction in the building up of character and of the problems which lead our clients to seek help. It is clear that the author has achieved a working balance, or rather an integration, of these opposites, which is necessary if analysis is to be a creative interaction, and the case histories clearly illustrate this to be the case. The importance of the inner and outer mother, the inner and outer father, and of the feeling tone of the internalized relationship between them, comes through beautifully time after time throughout the book. .We are indeed fortunate that Eva has been able to collect together and present in such a readable and satisfying whole, her experience in the different areas of work she has enriched over her professional lifetime.'
- Joseph Redfearn, from The Preface
'Eva Seligman is an original; and she is also faithful to her tradition. From the first page, this enlightening book will show you why she is one of the most gifted Jungian analysts of her generation. Now in her early eighties, her consulting room is still sought out: it is a place of hope and healing, in the quest for wholeness.'
- Robin Daniels, Jungian Analyst and author
About the Author(s)
Eva Seligman studied Social Science and Mental Health at the London School of Economics followed by work at the Maudsley Hospital. She joined the Tavistock Institute of Marital Studies, beginning her analytical training in 1958. She was a training analyst of the Society of Analytical Psychology. She was also a painter and a poet.
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