The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping Our Children Thrive When the World Overwhelms Them

Author(s) : Elaine N. Aron

The Highly Sensitive Child: Helping Our Children Thrive When the World Overwhelms Them

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15-20% of children are Highly Sensitive - and they are often labelled shy, introverted, fussy or faddy. The real story is very different though and this intelligent, practical book helps parents know what to do, when to back off, and how to ensure their child is given the right sort of treatment at school.

This book is the follow up to the author's internationally best-selling personal development guide The Highly Sensitive Person.

It is the first and only book for parents of highly sensitive children.

It provides parents with insights and information so they can understand High Sensitivity, and help their highly sensitive child thrive in the world.

It is important for these children to be understood so they can be helped to avoid the common traps of shyness and withdrawal that many highly sensitive fall into as they develop.

Contains questionnaire for parents to find out if their child has the traits common in highly sensitive children.

Discusses HSC's at different ages - infant, toddler, school-age and adolescent.

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