The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy: Volume 2 Number 2
Part of The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy series - more in this series

Book Details
- Publisher : Phoenix Publishing House
- Published : December 2020
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 112
- Category :
Forensic - Category 2 :
Journals & Periodicals - Catalogue No : 97247
Also by Jessica Collier
Also by Carine Minne
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The International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy (IJFP) is a brand-new journal launched in 2019. It is published in conjunction with the International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy and its avowed aim is to “Re-humanise the de-humanised”.
This will be a leading-edge journal that promotes the health of offenders and victims through the use of psychotherapeutic understanding, risk assessment, and treatment techniques, and will also advance understanding about forensic psychotherapeutic practice.
The annual subscription includes two printed issues a year and complimentary online access from Ingenta Connect.
Reasons to subscribe:
– A newly established journal for all professionals bringing together psychoanalytically underpinned understanding of work with people suffering from difficulties involving violence and paraphilias;
– An international journal with wide ranging peer-reviewed contributions in the field of forensic psychotherapy from around the world;
– An innovative journal critically reviewing and discussing developments in clinical practice, theory and research;
– An informative journal that aims to contribute to policy making, influence practice and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration across continents;
– A lively journal that encourages articles from the arts and current affairs, reflecting aspects of the world of forensic psychotherapy.
Table of Contents
Editorial by Carine Minne and Jessica Collier
– Autonomic countertransference: the psychopathic mind and the institution by Rob Hale
DOI 10.33212/ijfp.v2n2.2020.101
– Hunger strike in H-Block: the disavowal of passivity by Paddy Maynes
DOI 10.33212/ijfp.v2n2.2020.113
– Psychiatrists and solitary confinement in US prisons by Reena Kapoor
DOI 10.33212/ijfp.v2n2.2020.127
– Gazing inside: a photographic journey inside the prison world by Elena Mundici in conversation with Valerio Bispuri
DOI 10.33212/ijfp.v2n2.2020.135
– Terror and wonder: whose choice is it anyway? by Elena Mundici
DOI 10.33212/ijfp.v2n2.2020.147
– A commentary on Freud’s paper: “Analysis terminable and interminable” by Ronald Doctor
DOI 10.33212/ijfp.v2n2.2020.157
– A day in the life of a psychiatrist and analyst during the Covid-19 pandemic by Francesco Spadaro
DOI 10.33212/ijfp.v2n2.2020.164
– ‘Pathologies of the Self: Exploring Narcissistic and Borderline States of Mind’, by Phil Mollon
Reviewed by Angela Foster
– ‘Banged Up: a chilling glimpse into British prisons‘
Reviewed by Brett Kahr
– ‘Artemisia’
Reviewed by Jessica Collier
– Kenneth Tough – 17 February 1963–29 October 2020
by Cleo Van Velsen
About the Editor(s)
Carine Minne is a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and a psychoanalyst with the British Psychoanalytical Society. Since almost twenty-five years, she has worked as Consultant Psychiatrist in Forensic Psychotherapy within the UK’s public health system, the NHS, based at the Portman outpatients’ clinic and Broadmoor high security hospital. She is the current President of the IAFP, co-editor of the IJFP and Chair of the IPA Violence Committee.
Jessica Collier is an art psychotherapist and clinical supervisor working with women in the female prison estate and women and men with complex personalities in the criminal justice system. She lectures nationally and internationally on forensic art psychotherapy and has published widely, focusing on trauma and unconscious re-enactments in forensic institutions and wider society. Jessica is co-convenor of the Forensic Arts Therapies Advisory Group, visiting lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire and senior lecturer at the University of Roehampton. She is co-editor of the International Journal of Forensic Psychotherapy.
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