The Lacanian Review: Issue 5: Delights of the Ego

Author(s) : Marie-Hélène Brousse

The Lacanian Review: Issue 5: Delights of the Ego

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Amazing! Freud’s good old Ego has become the star of the net: a symptom of our times, as Lacan anticipated. Ego as symptom, delights of the ego, ego at the end of analysis… with the compass of Lacan's "Joyce-the-Symptom", these readings are necessary in a chaotic world where the Ego is campaigning to replace the Father.

It is amazing!

First, because of its theme: the EGO, the self. Yes, you've read correctly! The good old Ego, which we got from Freud but which has become the star of our modernity. From selfies to social networks, it's holding forth, babbling on. It "expresses" itself unashamedly, without compunction. It opines, judges, without ever stopping watching: in short, it's become a symptom, which is what Lacan had anticipated in his Seminar XXIII by means of his clinical approach of the work of Joyce.

Second, because of its contents. TLR 5 includes Lacan's conference "Joyce-the-Symptom", translated for the first time in English. With it, we publish the reading that Éric Laurent gave of it in Dublin, at the NLS Congress. And Ego-symptoms, Ego-delights, Ego at the end of analysis, without forgetting Lacanian Politics, which is more necessary than ever to orient ourselves in a chaotic world, in which the Ego is campaigning to replace the Father.

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