The manufacture of madness: A comparative study of the inquisition and the mental health movement

Book Details
- Publisher : Syracuse U.P.
- Published : 1997
- Category :
Clinical Psychology - Catalogue No : 4958
- ISBN 13 : 9780815604617
- ISBN 10 : 0815604610
Also by Thomas Szasz
Our right to drugs: The case for a free market
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Every age labels people and consigns them to a particular fate - such as the witch consigned to the fire. The priest has now been replaced by the psychiatrist. This text examines the role of medicine as a more insidious tyrant than religion, despite its claim to be beneficial to both the patient and the commonwealth. 426 pages.
About the Author(s)
Thomas Szasz is professor emeritus of psychiatry at the State University of New York Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. His books include Law, Liberty, and Psychiatry, The Manufacture of Madness, Ideology and Insanity, Ceremonial Chemistry, The Myth of Psychotherapy, Psychiatry, and The Medicalization of Everyday Life.
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