The Natural Health Service: What the Great Outdoors Can Do for Your Mind

Author(s) : Isabel Hardman

The Natural Health Service: What the Great Outdoors Can Do for Your Mind

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In 2016, Isabel Hardman's mind, in her own words, 'stopped working' as she fell prey to severe depression and anxiety. She took time off on long-term sick leave and despite several relapses has returned to work with a much improved ability to cope. She has since become one of the UK's most prominent public voices on mental health. She credits her better health to her passion for exercise, nature and the great outdoors - from horse-riding and botany to cold-water swimming and running.

In The Natural Health Service, she draws on her own personal experience, interviews with mental illness sufferers and psychologists, and the latest research to examine what role wildlife and exercise can play in helping anyone cope with mental illness. Straight-talking, thoroughly-researched, and compassionate, this important and often funny book will fascinate anyone touched by a mental health condition, whether themselves or through the experiences of a loved-one.

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