The Power of Inner Pictures: How Imagination Can Maintain Physical and Mental Health

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : November 2016
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 172
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Category 2 :
Coaching - Catalogue No : 38378
- ISBN 13 : 9781782204251
- ISBN 10 : 1782204253
Also by Thomas Kretschmar
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This book is about inner pictures and how we can access and change these pictures through our imagination. It is written not only for specialists in the field of psychotherapy and coaching, but also for the general public. With Thomas Kretschmar as a specialist in the field and Martin Tzschaschel as a journalist, the authors have created a joint book that is both comprehensive and understandable for everybody.
The authors start by exploring inner pictures in general and how they influence us in everyday life, in memories, and in dreams, using examples from sports, business and other fields. The book then examines how inner pictures and the imagination can be used for therapy. The applications are drawn both from medical and non-medical treatments, including biofeedback, sleep, hypnosis, autogenic training, and the healing of physical diseases. The authors then examine the methods of imaginative psychotherapy.
Additional contemporary methods are also utilised, to make this a completely up-to-date interventional approach. The book concludes with examples of cases from the authors’ own therapy practice. Parts of therapy sessions have been transcribed so that the reader is transported into the therapy room. The cases present clients with anxiety attacks, insomnia and burn out, eating disorders, phobias, and OCD.
Reviews and Endorsements
'This imaginative book brings to life its subject matter with a delicate blend of theory, case studies, methodology and a rich exploration of our inner world of images. It offers the reader new insights into how our internal world creates images, and how these can be harnessed in diverse settings to improve our wellbeing, inspire creativity and overcome emotional problems, physical pain and other challenges. I recommend this book for therapists and counsellors, and also for coaches and managers who wish to explore innovate ways of harnessing the dormant creativity that exists in every workplace. The authors offer new insights into a phenomenon that is found in all cultures and has been known to humans since ancient days. It offers us exciting new ways of unleashing the power of inner pictures that are very relevant to our times.’
— Dr Simon Western, CEO of Analytic-Network Coaching, President-Elect of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations, and Adjunct Professor, University College Dublin
About the Author(s)
Thomas Kretschmar is the managing director of Mind Institute SE Berlin, where he uses inner pictures and the imagination to treat patients and coaching clients. He is also a researcher and trainer in the field of imaginative interventions. Prior to this, Thomas worked as a founder and CEO of the SDAX company Hypoport, a professor for organisational studies, and as business consultant with a psychological focus. He has training in several psychological intervention methods and is licensed for psychotherapy in Germany. Thomas studied business administration in Gottingen and psychology with a psychoanalytic focus in Berlin.
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Martin Tzschaschel is a journalist and has been the editor of P.M., a popular German scientific journal, since 1981. In addition, he has written three books, and his book about a new version of knowledge we learn in school is now in its fifth run. Martin is devoted to making complicated scientific findings understandable for the public. Prior to this, he studied social pedagogy in Munich and worked as a journalist for several journals. Martin lives in Hamburg, Germany.
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