The Psychoanalyst, the Theatre of Dreams and the Clinic of Enactment

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : March 2018
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 240
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 39115
- ISBN 13 : 9781782205074
- ISBN 10 : 1782205071
Also by Roosevelt Cassorla
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This book is recommended to psychoanalysts and therapists interested in the analytical technique, particularly those working with patients who have deficits in their symbolization capacity. It presents studies of technical aspects of the analytical process with patients who are difficult to reach.
Certain collusions named 'chronic enactments' show that the analytic dyad cannot dream, and the analytical field is paralyzed without the analyst perceiving it. Chronic enactments are undone through unconscious acts or behaviours that threaten to destroy the analytical process: behaviours that are named 'acute enactments'. The thorough study of these enactments show that they take the dyad to an awareness of the discrimination between self and object and re-establish the capacity to dream. It is demonstrated that this occurs in an attenuated traumatic form, revealing in the analytical field the externalization of primitive non-dreamed traumas.
Clinical, artistic, and mythical models form part of the discussion. The emphasis on clinical aspects allows readers to use different theories to consider the clinical facts. The clinical theories used by the author are mostly post-Kleinian and Bionian.
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