The Six Archetypes of Love: From Innocent to Magician
Book Details
- Publisher : Findhorn Press
- Published : 2008
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 176
- Category :
Jung and Analytical Psychology - Catalogue No : 29334
- ISBN 13 : 9781844091423
- ISBN 10 : 1844091422
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Shows that just as there are six universal archetypes of spiritual development, so there are lessons of awareness for each archetype and all are to do with understanding love. This book offers you the tools to help you see where you are, where you need to go next, and what you will learn along the way. We frequently hear talk about achieving goals and defining our lifes purpose, about success and manifesting our true potential. But what if this is not the highest calling we can respond to? What if we are not on earth to achieve anything? Perhaps we are here to learn. This book dares to ask that question and to suggest that one of the major lessons for us is to understand the role of love in our lives. What is love? How do we find it? How can we keep it? Why are there so many puzzling forms of it? And why do so many people get it so wrong? Building on the startling insights of his earlier book, Stories We Need to Know, Allan Hunter shows that just as there are six universal archetypes of spiritual development, so there are lessons of awareness for each archetype and all are to do with understanding love.If we consider these six levels as experiential they can give us essential guidance about what level of awareness we may be currently living, and so we can begin to see what is required to transition to the next stage, and how love can be nurtured. The Innocent one who loves too much but without questioning. The Orphan, lonely at heart, seeking to belong even though you suspect you dont fit in. Making compromises in order to love. The Pilgrim, dissatisfied with the small insincerities you see others so readily accepting, determined to find your own way. The Warrior-Lover, prepared to declare your own values, and defend them, and yet respect others views even if they are different. Can you remain open? The Monarch a nurturer of the highest capabilities of others. The Magician allowing love to flow through you no matter what using this love to generate love and creativity in others.This book will give you the tools to see where you are, where you need to go next, and what you will learn along the way. It ties these developmental stages in to the ancient wisdom of the Tarot, whose visual images act as reminders as to what is expected of each of us on our life journey. It also showcases real-life examples (Charles, Diana and Camilla, Bill, Hillary and Monica, etc.) and TV series examples from Sex and the City, Desperate Housewives, etc. 176
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