The Somato-Psychic Realm: Analytic Receptivity and Resonance

Editor : David G. Power, Editor : Dolan Power

Part of The Routledge Wilfred R. Bion Studies series - more in this series

The Somato-Psychic Realm: Analytic Receptivity and Resonance

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : March 2025
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 168
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 97970
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032864433
  • ISBN 10 : 1032864435

Also by David G. Power

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Influenced by the groundbreaking work of Wilfred Bion, The Somato-Psychic Realm: Analytic Receptivity and Resonance sees 10 internationally acclaimed psychoanalysts explore the complex interrelationship between our psychic and somatic selves, and highlight its promising riches and devastating disruptions.

Explored theoretically and illustrated with vivid clinical examples, the contributors in this volume map our current understanding on the fascinating subject of psychic and somatic selves, reframing it as the ‘somato-psychic realm’. This collection of essays brings together the current thinking, reflections, and clinical understanding of prominent Bionian psychoanalytic practitioners and scholars, from Rudi Vermote to Judy Eekhoff, each of whom have developed particular interests and expertise in analytically approaching the realm of the somato-psychic. The reader is offered extensions of theory and vivid clinical examples and invited to consider many questions central to contemporary psychoanalytic practice: Does the body think and if so, how does the analyst converse with it? Is thinking in a psychoanalytic sense best conceived of as a combined function of the soma and psyche? How does this perspective reorient analytic technique? Can we conceptualise a body-to-body dimension of the analytic experience, and in the analytic encounter how does this dimension serve a vitalising function for the patient while remaining outside of the usual verbal and symbolising exchanges between analyst and patient? What is the fate of failures and disruptions in the somato-psychic interrelationship and how does the analyst hear, recognise, and respond to these failures? How does the analyst make subjective space to experience in herself the presence of these disruptions? What transformations in our technical stance does this type of clinical presentation require? As they approach the challenges of the somato-psychic realm, readers will find themselves drawn into this conversation, invited by a thought-provoking foreword by Patrick Miller.

It will be a vital resource for psychoanalysts in training and practice alike looking for a greater recognition of and ability to respond to problems ranging from frank somatic disorders to failures in symbolisation and thought process and the non-neurotic states of mind that accompany these disorders.

Reviews and Endorsements

The Somato-Psychic Realm: Analytic Receptivity and Resonance is an extraordinary collection of essays exploring the interplay between the somatic and psychic realms in psychoanalytic theory and practice. Each chapter, written by distinguished scholars and clinicians, carefully examines Bion's revolutionary concepts and their influence on contemporary psychoanalysis. Rich with clinical illustrations emphasizing the inseparability of mind and body, this volume is essential for psychoanalysts and scholars wishing to deepen their understanding of Bion's legacy and the development of analytic thought.
Giuseppe Civitarese, author of On Arrogance: A Psychoanalytic Essay

In a brilliant contribution to psychoanalysis the editors extend its reach to the non-sensuous realm of the unrepresented, demystifying and exploring what Bion called O. Since language fails to reach this undifferentiated proto-mental level of functioning, the analyst must meet the patient by using his somatic registrations, “feeling in (his) flesh.” Nine international analysts contribute chapters elucidating the clinical challenges and opportunities of working at this deepest level: offering a vitalizing presence and availability to the patient requires an expanded use of oneself.
Karen Roos, Boston Psychoanalytic Institute and Society, USA

Like shafts of light in the darkness, this book offers pioneering contemporary insight into the most vital dimension of psychoanalysis today, where both pathos and mutative change are found in the shared, inchoate movements of embodied life. From different but related perspectives, ten eminent scholars of the nameless regions charted by Freud, Winnicott, and Bion show how analysts are captured by and work with unintegrated traumatic experiences that change them as it does their patients by giving the inexpressible some form. Dolan and David Power have crafted an indispensable guide for all who traverse this challenging but transformative domain.
Jack Foehl, Joint Editor in Chief, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Past President, Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

Table of Contents

Foreword: Unbounded maps, unchartered territories
Patrick Miller

1. The breath of life: Bion’s concept of the proto-mental
Dolan Power

2. Circling the nameless: An attempt at an impossible approach
Bernd Nissen

3. To feel in my flesh: Receptivity, resonance and the beta screen
Howard B. Levine

4. Bizarre bodily delusions
Béatrice Ithier

5. Reaching the body through the mind: A model and its implications
Rudi Vermote

6. Being totally in the dark: On working analytically within the depths of the great unknown of psychic catastrophe
Ofra Eshel

7. A personal perspective on the somato-psychic realm based on Bion’s contributions
João Carlos Braga

8. The primordial mind and the body: The “no-body” and being a body
Celia Fix Korbivcher

9. Perceptual identification as analytic receptivity of unrepresented and dissociative states
Judy K. Eekhoff

About the Editor(s)

David G. Power is a founding member of the Boston Group for Psychoanalytic Studies and Past President, Supervisory and Teaching Analyst at the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis. He maintains a private practice in psychoanalysis, psychotherapy and supervision in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

More titles by David G. Power

Dolan Power is a founding member of the Boston Group for Psychoanalytic Studies, Past President, Supervisory and Teaching Analyst at the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis and on the Faculty of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. She was awarded the Francis Tustin Memorial Prize in 2011 for her paper “The Use of the Analyst as an Autistic Shape” (IJP 2016). She maintains a private practice in psychoanalysis, consultation and supervision in Cambridge, Massachusetts

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