The Spiritual Resistance of Rabbi Leo Baeck: Psychoanalysis and Religion

Author(s) : Paul Marcus

The Spiritual Resistance of Rabbi Leo Baeck: Psychoanalysis and Religion

Book Details

  • Publisher : Taylor & Francis Ltd.
  • Published : April 2025
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 122
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
  • Catalogue No : 98034
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032877600
  • ISBN 10 : 103287760X
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The Spiritual Resistance of Rabbi Leo Baeck provides an overview of the life of Dr. Leo Baeck (1873–1956), a German-Jewish rabbi, theologian, historian and Holocaust survivor, from a psychoanalytic perspective.

Paul Marcus approaches Baeck’s life and intellectual/theological contribution as it interfaces with a broadly defined psychoanalysis. This book describes and explains how Baeck maintained the rudiments of his autonomy, integration and humanity while remaining in Nazi Germany and while in the ghetto Theresienstadt, displaying astonishing courage, character, and goodness—a triumph of a civilized person amidst Nazi brutality. Marcus also considers psychic resilience and moral psychology and assesses contemporary criticisms of Baeck.

The Spiritual Resistance of Rabbi Leo Baeck will be of interest to academics and scholars of psychoanalytic studies, spirituality, Jewish studies and resistance. It will also appeal to psychoanalysts in training and in practice.

Reviews and Endorsements

Paul Marcus has written a compelling book on the life and work of one of the ‘saintly’ men of the twentieth century. He provides a summoning argument for how Baeck maintained his autonomy, integration and humanity during the Holocaust, and what psychoanalysis can learn from better understanding this extraordinary man’s use of religion and spirituality to conduct himself with dignity and self-respect, and yet remain fully responsible for his fellow humans. Marcus has begun an important conversation on the psychology of goodness.
Michael Eigen, Ph.D., Author, Contact with the Depths, Faith, and The Sensitive Self

Paul Marcus has brought the perspectives of an eminent psychoanalyst to bear on the complex life and thought of Rabbi Dr. Leo Baeck. He illuminates the difficult experiences of Baeck under the Nazis and in Theresienstadt in a unique way, leading to a much greater understanding of Baeck’s navigation of his impossible circumstances. His conclusions highlighting lessons of Baeck’s life for psychoanalysis highlight the ongoing relevance of Baeck’s career and thought for today’s troubled world.
Lawrence H. Schiffman, Global Distinguished Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies, New York University

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Spiritual Resistance in Nazi Germany
3. Spiritual Resistance in Theresienstadt
4. Religious Consciousness and Theological Reflections
5. Implications for Psychoanalysis

About the Author(s)

Paul Marcus, PhD, is a supervising and training analyst at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. He is the author of Being for The Other: Emmanuel Levinas, Ethical Living and Psychoanalysis; Autonomy in the Extreme Situation: Bruno Bettelheim, the Nazi Concentration Camps, and the Mass Society and Ancient Religious Wisdom, Spirituality and Psychoanalysis, among other books. Dr Marcus is married with two children and lives in Great Neck, New York.

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