The Trauma Therapies
Book Details
- Publisher : Oxford University Press
- Published : 2014
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 320
- Category :
Trauma and Violence - Category 2 :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 36464
- ISBN 13 : 9780199674718
- ISBN 10 : 019967471X
Also by John Marzillier
The Gossamer Thread: My Life as a Psychotherapist
Price £22.50
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It is well recognized that those who go through a major trauma can go on to experience psychological problems. Many seek psychological help and there is a now a range of psychotherapies specifically for those who have been through trauma. In this authoritative book John Marzillier describes and reviews the various forms of trauma therapy, examining what the therapies consist of, their research basis, their similarities and differences, and what they tell us about trauma and its effects. Designed specifically for therapists, and engagingly written, the book ranges from established therapies such as prolonged exposure, EMDR and imaginal reliving to newer developments such as mindfulness meditation, compassionate-focused therapy and energy psychology techniques.
Aware that therapy is more than a collection of techniques, Marzillier discusses the nature of psychological trauma, the therapeutic relationship and what psychotherapy can offer. The domination of a quasi-medical model, notably in terms of PTSD, and of evidence-based psychotherapy has led to a misleadingly simplistic notion that effective trauma therapies are those based on exposure. This book does much to dispel this notion. For all psychotherapists and counsellors, this is a valuable book describing the many and varied trauma therapies. It shows how therapists of all persuasions can benefit from further understanding of how best to help those who have been through a major trauma.
About the Author(s)
John Marzillier worked for thirty-seven years as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist in various settings including psychiatric hospitals, GP practices, a university clinic and in private practice. He retired in 2006 to become a writer. He has published numerous academic articles as well as novels and poems. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society.
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