The Unconscious as Infinite Sets: An Essay in Bi-logic

Author(s) : Ignacio Matte Blanco

The Unconscious as Infinite Sets: An Essay in Bi-logic

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 1980
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 504
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 2604
  • ISBN 13 : 9781855752023
  • ISBN 10 : 1855752026

Also by Ignacio Matte Blanco

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A systematic effort to rethink Freud's theory of the unconscious, aiming to separate out the different forms of unconsciousness. The logico-mathematical treatment of the subject is made easy because every concept used is simple and simply explained from first principles. Each renewed explanation of the facts brings the emergence of new knowledge from old material of truly great importance to the clinician and the theorist alike. A highly original book that ought to be read by everyone interested in psychiatry or in Freudian psychology.

Reviews and Endorsements

'Perhaps the first systematic effort to rethink Freud's theory of the unconscious, aiming to separate the different forms of unconsciousness (many of which Freud lumped into the concept of the "primary process") has been undertaken by Ignacio Matte Blanco in The Unconscious as Infinite Sets. Matte Blanco's work is of truly profound significance.'
- Christopher Bollas

'Those [who have not read] The Unconscious as Infinite Sets are in for a very great treat.'
- James S. Grotstein, M.D.

'A large volume probing the deeper aspects of psychology. Its charts of terra incognita are as good as any we yet have available.'
- Karl Pribram, Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases

'The logical-mathematical treatment of the subject is made easy because every logical-mathematical concept used is simply explained from first principles. Each renewed explanation of the facts brings the emergence of new knowledge from old material of truly great importance to the clinician and the theorist alike.'
- Henri Rey, International Journal of Psychoanalysis

'This is a highly original book. The author, a professor of psychiatry who is a practicing psycho-analyst, feels that psycho-analysis needs a new theoretical frame of reference, without which it is proving impossible to see new facts in clinical reality. This book ought to be read by everyone interested in psychiatry or Freudian psychology.'
- British Book News

About the Author(s)

Ignacio Matte Blanco was a Chilean psychiatrist and psychoanalyst who developed a rule-based structure for the unconscious which allows us to make sense of the non-logical aspects of thought. Born in Santiago, Chile, Matte Blanco was educated in Chile, and before leaving Chile for London, was in analysis with Fernando Allende Navarro, Latin America's first qualified psychoanalyst. He trained [in psychiatry] at the Maudsley Hospital and in psychoanalysis at the London Institute, where he was in supervision with Anna Freud and James Strachey, becoming a member of the British Society in 1938. He subsequently worked in the United States, Chile, and Italy, where his family now lives. He died in Rome at the age of 86.

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