Theatre, Ritual and Transformation: Senoi Temiar
Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 1995
- Category :
Reprinting - Catalogue No : 24748
- ISBN 13 : 9780415119900
- ISBN 10 : 0415119901
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Shows how the themes of drama, play, trance, music and dance have been found to be fundamental to the practice of good health in a Malaysian culture, and how this can be applied to the more general notions of therapy, including dramatherapy. . In 1974 Sue Jennings, an anthropologist as well as a dramatherapist, and her three children set off on a fieldwork expedition to the rain forests of Malaysia where they lived with the Senoi Temiar for two years. This book is the fruit of that experience, and brings together the insights of drama, therapy and theatre with those of social anthropology to look at the significance of the human capacity to create play, rituals and drama and the impact this has on the lives of individual people and social groups.
About the Author(s)
Sue Jennings is Professor of Play (European Federation of Dramatherapists), the creator of Neuro-Dramatic-Play, and the author of 53 books. She has pioneered Dramatherapy and Play Therapy internationally. She is Senior Research Fellow at the Shakespeare Institute, University of Birmingham, UK, a Distinguished Scholar at the University of the Witswatersrand, South Africa, and an Honorary Fellow of the University of Roehampton, London.
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