This Art of Psychoanalysis: Dreaming Undreamt Dreams and Interrupted Cries

Author(s) : Thomas Ogden

Part of New Library of Psychoanalysis series - more in this series

This Art of Psychoanalysis: Dreaming Undreamt Dreams and Interrupted Cries

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : January 2005
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 22339
  • ISBN 13 : 9780415372893
  • ISBN 10 : 0415372895
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Why is dreaming the mind's single most important psychoanalytic activity? This Art of Psychoanalysis offers a unique perspective on psychoanalysis that features a new way of conceptualizing the role of dreaming in human psychology. Thomas Ogden's thinking has been at the cutting edge of psychoanalysis for more than 25 years. In this volume, he builds on the work of Freud, Klein, Winnicott and Bion, and explores the idea that human psychopathology is a manifestation of a breakdown of the individual's capacity to dream his experience. The investigation into the role of the analyst in participating psychologically in the patient's dreaming is illustrated throughout with elegant and absorbing accounts of clinical work, providing a fascinating insight into the analyst's experience. Subjects covered in it include: a new reading of the origins of object relations theory; on holding and containing, being and dreaming; and on psychoanalytic writing. This engaging book succeeds in conveying not just a set of techniques but a way of being with patients that is humane and compassionate. It will be of great interest to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and other mental health professionals.

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Contents: Preface. This art of psychoanalysis: dreaming undreamt dreams and interrupted cries. What I would not part with. A new reading of the origins of object relations theory. On not being able to dream. What's true and whose idea was it?. Reading Bion. On holding and containing, being and dreaming. On psychoanalytic writing. Bibliography.

About the Author(s)

Thomas Ogden, MD, published his debut novel, The Parts Left Out, in 2014. He has also published twelve books of essays on the theory and practice of psychoanalysis, and on the writings of Frost, Borges, Kafka, and others. His most recent works of non-fiction include The Analyst’s Ear and the Critic’s Eye: Rethinking Psychoanalysis and Literature; Creative Readings: Essays on Seminal Analytic Works; Rediscovering Psychoanalysis; and This Art of Psychoanalysis: Dreaming Undreamt Dreams and Interrupted Cries. . His work has been translated into twenty languages.

Dr Ogden was awarded the 2012 Sigourney Award for his “contributions to the field of psychoanalysis”; the 2010 Haskell Norman Prize for “outstanding achievement as a psychoanalytic clinician, teacher and theoretician”; and the 2004 International Journal of Psychoanalysis Award for “The Most Important Paper of the Year.” He practices psychoanalysis in San Francisco, where he teaches both psychoanalysis and creative writing.

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