Transforming Clinical Practice Using the MindBody Approach: A Radical Integration

Editor : Brian Broom

Transforming Clinical Practice Using the MindBody Approach: A Radical Integration

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : June 2013
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 320
  • Category :
    Individual Psychotherapy
  • Catalogue No : 32503
  • ISBN 13 : 9781780490618
  • ISBN 10 : 1780490615
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This book assumes that it is no longer tenable to work in healthcare without considering the person as a whole being constituted by a rich weaving of mind, body, culture, family, spirit and ecology. The MindBody approach embraces this ‘whole.’ But how does it transform clinical practice and training for the clinician and treatment for the patient/client?

This book collects together the experiences from a diverse range of clinical practitioners (including psychotherapy, specialist medicine, general practice, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics, nursing, and complementary and alternative medicine practitioners) who have deliberately chosen to integrate a MindBody philosophy and skill set in their clinical practices. All reflect deeply on their unique journeys in transforming their clinical encounters. Most have been trained in the dominant Western framework and have inherited the classical dualistic approach which typically keeps mind and body apart. This dualistic clinical ethos values clinician expertise, labelling, diagnosis, measurement, and grouped phenomena.

The MindBody approach retains the best of the classical model as well as valuing personal experience, the unique patterning of the individual’s illness and disease, and the healing elements of the relationship between the clinician and the patient/client. The MindBody transformation of the clinician is a challenging journey, and each clinician experiences this uniquely. From these stories the reader can see vividly the ways in which conventional healthcare can break out of its current restrictive paradigm creating new satisfaction for the clinicians and much wider treatment outcomes for patients and clients.

Reviews and Endorsements

‘Brian Broom is an experienced and well-published medical clinician-researcher who is a pioneer in advocating what he calls the “MindBody” approach to healing “physical” disease. Dr Broom has taken a bold and perhaps unprecedented step: negotiating the establishment in a conventional academic health centre, by offering a training program in the MindBody approach for health-care workers from a variety of medical and non-medical backgrounds. His book is a fascinating collection, from a number of these students, of their own experiences in learning how to do MindBody medicine. The result is a collection of frank, moving and philosophically sophisticated accounts that will be compelling reading for any therapist, and particularly for those health professionals endeavouring to treat chronic medical conditions within a system of medicine that rarely looks beyond the mechanics of the body. It might well inspire a whole new generation of therapists.’
- Alastair J. Cunningham, OC, PhD, Cpsych, Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, author of The Healing Journey; Bringing Spirituality into your Healing Journey and Can the Mind Heal Cancer?

‘This book is like a wonderful bouquet of flowers. The variety is one pleasure, but another pleasure is the bouquet itself.’
- Andrea Enders, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Medical Care Center for Gynaekology, Endokrinology and Reproduction Medicine, guest-physician, Department of Dermatology, Charité Berlin

‘These fascinating stories shine with honesty. In some, there is brave disclosure of personal stories, as well as a strongly felt message of care for the client. The transition to a whole person, MindBody approach, especially for those only recently exposed to this way of being, has not been easy, but is powerfully felt to be worthwhile by all who have written. I have witnessed not only benefits to patients from this approach but also the struggles of some of the practitioners on this journey. I wholeheartedly commend this moving book to any health care or education practitioner interested in developing a more whole person approach to clients, whatever their area of practice.’
- Penny F. Fitzharris MB, ChB, MD, FRACP, FRCP Clinical Director, Department of Immunology, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand

‘Through the stories of health professionals from many walks of life, we learn how some clinicians are adapting their practice to attend to patients as whole persons. Clinical vignettes describe how MindBody therapy can be successful in helping patients left behind by organ-centered care. This book offers an intimate view of these clinician’s individual journeys, and offers inspiration that better care and a better experience for patients is possible in the real world.’
- Christopher A. Kenedi, MD, MPH, FRACP, FACP, Consultant Physician and Psychiatrist, Departments of General Medicine and Liaison Psychiatry, Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand

About the Editor(s)

Brian Broom, MBChB, FRACP, MSc (Imm), MNZAP, leads the post-graduate programme in MindBody Healthcare in the department of psychotherapy at the Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. He works as a consultant physician (immunology), psychotherapist, and MindBody specialist in the department of immunology at Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand. His previous books are Somatic Illness and the Patient’s Other Story and Meaning-Full Disease: How Personal Experience and Meanings Cause and Maintain Physical Illness.

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