Treating Autism Today: Lacanian Perspectives
Part of The Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research Library series - more in this series

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : November 2021
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 131
- Category :
Autism and Aspergers - Category 2 :
Lacanian Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 96042
- ISBN 13 : 9780367369897
- ISBN 10 : 0367369893
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Drawing together an international range of psychoanalytic practitioners, this collection provides a critique of mainstream models of autism, looking at the conceptual and ideological underpinnings of the behavioural and cognitive approaches popular today.
The first book to provide a psychoanalytic unpacking of standard non-analytic approaches, it offers a series of critical essays on mainstream assumptions, examining their history, foundations, and validity from a variety of angles. The authors consider, from the Lacanian perspective, the hypothesis of the biological-genetic causality of autism, as well as the claims of these approaches to offer effective therapy. These discussions are historically contextualised by an introduction and afterword that also provide pointers and references to further reading on Lacanian approaches to autism.
Illustrated throughout by clinical examples, Treating Autism Today will be of interest to Lacanian clinicians and scholars, as well as psychotherapists, psychologists, and those working with children diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum.
Reviews and Endorsements
"An extremely rich and necessary book on the latest psychoanalytic research on autism. The authors, all leading thinkers in this field, clarify for us the questions posed by children who are 'different', not only in our clinical work but also in the context of today’s healthcare policies, and show us the dangers of effacing the child’s subjectivity that these policies entail. Essential reading!" - Dr Catherine Vanier, psychoanalyst in Paris; member of Espace Analytique; founder and president of Enfance en Jeu; and associate of the Research Centre for Psychoanalysis, Medicine and Society, Paris Diderot University.
Table of Contents
1. Autism in the neoliberal age
Jacques Hochmann
2. The lessons of autism
Leonardo Rodriguez
3. Like the monotone voice of the gusle: Some reflections on autism Graciela Prieto
4. Autists, practitioners and institutions: The abuse of reductionism Jean-Pierre Drapier
5. A psychoanalyst in the land of ABA
Marie-Dominique Amy
6. Psychoanalysis for autisms
Patrick Landman
7. Diagnosing and educating autistic children today
Iván Ruiz and Neus Carbonell
8. Autism in France
Pierre-Henri Castel
9. High-functioning autism and the behaviourist ideology
Yann Diener
About the Editor(s)
Laura Tarsia is a psychoanalyst working with adults and young people in London. She is a member and lecturer at CFAR.
Kristina Valendinova is a psychoanalyst and translator in London, and a member of CFAR and of the Cercle Freudien in Paris. She is the co-founder of Bubble and Speak, a "maison verte" drop-in for small children and their carers.
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