Twelve Months to Your Ideal Private Practice
Book Details
- Publisher : W.W.Norton
- Published : 2003
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 352
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Catalogue No : 90547
- ISBN 13 : 9780393704174
- ISBN 10 : 0393704173
Also by Lynn Grodzki
Building Your Ideal Private Practice: A Guide for...
Price £35.99
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This book is a year-long, progressive practice-building program offering therapists an abundance of information, ideas, and strategies for working successfully in private practice. It provides a month-by-month coaching program, giving readers the experience of being coached for a year. It will help you answer some key questions about your private practice: How can I work as hard as I need make enough money and maintain a quality personal life? What does it take to build a profitable business without expending so much personal effort? How can I be as successful as I want to be, and feel rested and healthy? Is it possible to be a therapist in private practice and have an easier life? How can I use a simple business model to build and expand my private practice?
You can begin to use this book in any month, or review and re-use the book year after year as your annual coaching program. In keeping with the Private Practice Success T business model, the first four months of the workbook focus on aspects of preparation, the second four months highlight building blocks, and the final four months craft the finishing touches. Each month offers a progressive series of assessments, written exercises, and skill sets, helping readers to identify action steps to take and follow that month with fieldwork suggestions.
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