Unmasking Race, Culture, and Attachment in the Psychoanalytic Space
Part of The Bowlby Centre Monograph Series - more in this series

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : 2006
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 128
- Category :
Attachment Theory - Category 2 :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 22706
- ISBN 13 : 9781855754058
- ISBN 10 : 1855754053
Also by Kate White
Dementia: An Attachment Approach
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Drawn from the John Bowlby Memorial Conference, the theme of this book addresses the often hidden and ignored subject of attachment, race and culture. Can our individual narratives in relation to race, culture and attachment be unmasked in the therapeutic dyad to reveal our human connectedness? The contributors explore how the conscious and unconscious meanings of therapists' and clients' racial and cultural identities shape the dialogue between them. How this emerges for both therapist and client in their work together is illustrated in clinical accounts.
Kimberlyn Leary; Farhad Dalal; Barbara Ashton; Cascia Davis; Zack Eleftheriadou; Irris Singer; and Kate White
Reviews and Endorsements
'The value of the monograph lies not only in the development of ideas around the notion of "racial" difference but different routes to exploring better clinical understanding of racial enactments. The absence of relational thinking has for too long located these concerns outside the consulting room, therefore outside the scope of thinking. Whilst the term "race" has lost much of its potency as a biological concept, "racial difference" nevertheless organises many social relationships and for many of us is laden with emotion.'
- Lennox K. Thomas, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
'This new collection of essays by practicing clinicians confronts the dilemmas posed by acknowledging racial fantasies on the part of both the analyst and the analysand in any psychotherapeutic encounter-fantasies that are profoundly constitutive of interior realities and social experiences. These essays offer a sustained meditation on the ethical challenges of bringing attachment theory into intimate, and at times uncomfortable, contact with socio-political considerations and provide a crucial foundation from which future thinking about psychotherapy must take place.'
- Professor Anne Anlin Cheng, Author of The Melancholy of Race
About the Editor(s)
Kate White is a training therapist, supervisor and teacher at The Bowlby Centre. Formerly senior lecturer at South Bank University in the Department of Nursing and Community Health Studies, she has used her extensive experience in adult education to contribute to the innovative psychotherapy curriculum developed at The Bowlby Centre. In addition to working as an individual psychotherapist, Kate runs workshops on the themes of attachment and trauma in clinical practice.
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