Wearing My Tutu to Analysis and Other Stories: Learning Psychodynamic Concepts from Life

Book Details
- Publisher : Columbia U.P.
- Published : January 2011
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 192
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 33099
- ISBN 13 : 9780231151658
- ISBN 10 : 9780231151
Also by Kerry L. Malawista
The Therapist in Mourning: From the Faraway Nearby
Price £30.00
Also by Anne J. Adelman
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There couldn't be a more appropriate method for illustrating the dynamics of psychoanalysis than the vehicle of story. In this book, Kerry L. Malawista, Anne J. Adelman, and Catherine L. Anderson share amusing, poignant, and sometimes difficult stories from their personal and professional lives, inviting readers to explore the complex underpinnings of the psychoanalytic profession and its esoteric theories. Through their narratives, these practicing analysts show how to incorporate psychodynamic concepts and identify common truths at the root of shared experience. Their approach demystifies dense material and the emotional consequences of deep clinical work. The book covers psychodynamic theory, the development of ideas, various techniques, the challenges of treatment, and the experiences of trauma and loss. Each section begins with a brief memoir by one of the authors and leads into a discussion of related concepts. Overall the text follows a developmental trajectory, opening with stories from early childhood and concluding with present encounters. The result is a unique approach enabling the absorption of psychodynamic concepts as they unfold across the life span.
Reviews and Endorsements
'The examples here - each of them - are little gems, beautifully weaving together theory with life and with much that is illustrated through this.'
- Patrick J. Casement, author of Learning from Life: Becoming a Psychoanalyst and Learning from Our Mistakes: Beyond Dogma in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
'Sensitive, accessible, wise, and deeply moving, this book is original and exceptional. The text is expansive and covers a vast range of theoretical territory. The writing is excellent and delightful, featuring stories full of surprise and intrigue. The theoretical explanations complete the package. A must for all who take the journey of self-knowledge and for anyone curious about what makes people tick.'
- Jane Hall, New York School for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, author of Roadblocks on the Journey of Psychotherapy
'The story and analysis are really quite wonderful. I loved reading both - and especially enjoyed the way the story unfolds through analysis, which is quite sophisticated and, on a personal level, touching and nicely written.'
- Brian Rasmussen, University of British Columbia, Okanagan
'This is going to be a book that people will love - both students of analysis and the general public. The vignettes are charming and the explanations, which deal with complex concepts, are masterfully simple and clear. The writing is entertaining and a pleasure - a fun read and rare, I'm sure, for books on analysis.'
- Sara Mansfield Taber, author of Bread of Three Rivers: The Story of a French Loaf
About the Author(s)
Kerry L. Malawista, MSW, PhD, is a training and supervising analyst at the Contemporary Freudian Society and co-chair of New Directions in Writing at the Washington Center for Psychoanalysis. She is permanent faculty at the Contemporary Freudian Society and has taught at George Washington University Psychology Doctoral Program, Virginia Commonwealth University and Smith College School of Social Work. She is the co-author of Wearing My Tutu to Analysis and Other Stories and co-editor of The Therapist in Mourning: From the Faraway Nearby. Her essays have appeared nationally in newspapers, magazines, and literary journals including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Zone 3, Washingtonian Magazine, Voice, and The Account Magazine alongside many professional chapters and articles. She is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post, and I scurrently in private practice in Potomac, MD, and McLean, VA.
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