What Will You Do With My Story?
Part of The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy series - more in this series

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : July 2012
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 158
- Category :
Individual Psychotherapy - Category 2 :
Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 30769
- ISBN 13 : 9781855757929
- ISBN 10 : 1855757923
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Psychoanalyst Elizabeth Meakins uses her popular columns from The Independent to explore the therapeutic process. Successful analysis, she argues, is less about following pre-formulated theory and more about being led by the experience of what is actually happening.
Reviews and Endorsements
This book is a response to a question put to the author years ago when she was a trainee psychotherapist. Asked by a young woman who had been describing her traumatic experience of sexual abuse, her question was: 'what will you do with my story?'
'What Will You Do With My Story? is that unusual thing: a book that is at once useful and illuminating for both therapists and the people who seek their help. What Elizabeth Meakins reveals in her fascinating book is the variety, the subtlety, and the sheer pleasure of collaboration; and of the versions of psychoanalysis that make it possible.'
- Adam Phillips, psychoanalyst and author of On Balance, Side Effects, and Going Sane
'There is much to debate and also to celebrate in this honest, lively, accessible, and thought-provoking book. It offers a fresh and unexpected place for uninitiated readers to find their own way through the often bewildering noise of clashing psychoanalytic theories, even practices; indeed to find enlightenment and succour.'
- Margot Waddell, psychoanalyst and consultant child and adolescent psychotherapist
'I found Elizabeth Meakins' pieces in The Independent a breath of fresh psychotherapeutic air - eclectic, always interesting and perceptive.'
- Michael Brearley, psychoanalyst and former president of the British Psychoanalytical Society
'In this beautifully written book, Elizabeth Meakins prioritises the importance of each client finding their own authentic voice even if it forces the therapist to think outside of his or her own theoretical structures. This book will be of interest to both professionals and interested non-professionals who want to see what good therapy looks like.'
- Sue Cowan-Jenssen, integrative psychotherapist and EMDR consultant
About the Author(s)
Elizabeth Meakins is a psychoanalyst practising in North London.
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