Why You Eat What You Eat: The Science Behind Our Relationship with Food

Author(s) : Rachel Herz

Why You Eat What You Eat: The Science Behind Our Relationship with Food

Book Details

  • Publisher : WW Norton & Co
  • Published : January 2019
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 368
  • Category :
    Popular Psychology
  • Category 2 :
    Eating Disorders
  • Catalogue No : 94159
  • ISBN 13 : 9780393356601
  • ISBN 10 : 0393356604
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An exploration into the psychology of eating in today's unprecedented first world pantry of abundance, access and excess, Why You Eat What You Eat examines the sensory, psychological, neuroscientific and physiological factors that influence our eating habits. Rachel Herz uncovers the fascinating and surprising facts that affect food consumption: bringing reusable bags to the supermarket encourages us to buy more treats; our beliefs about food affect the number of calories we burn; TV alters how much we eat; and what we see and hear changes how food tastes. Herz reveals useful techniques for managing cravings, such as resisting repeated trips to the buffet table, and how aromas can be used to curb overeating. Why You Eat What You Eat mixes the social with the scientific to uncover how psychology, neurology and physiology shape our relationship with food and how food alters the relationships we have with ourselves and with one another.

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