Winnicott and the Psychoanalytic Tradition: Interpretation and Other Psychoanalytic Issues

Editor : Lesley Caldwell

Part of The Winnicott Studies Monograph series - more in this series

Winnicott and the Psychoanalytic Tradition: Interpretation and Other Psychoanalytic Issues

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : 2007
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 192
  • Category :
  • Catalogue No : 24642
  • ISBN 13 : 9781855754676
  • ISBN 10 : 1855754673

Also by Lesley Caldwell

Reading Winnicott

Reading Winnicott

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This collection proposes that using Winnicott's work to think about themes of importance to practitioners now is also a way of thinking about some of the present preoccupations of psychoanalysis. How certain themes assume an importance and develop at certain times often resonates with debates of the past and to encounter them in the present almost always offer something new. Theoretical and clinical ideas are produced in particular conditions and often also in response to, or as part of, a certain intellectual and socio-cultural context; how they have come to be understood and how they have their effect also involves that wider world and its interests.

Reviews and Endorsements

'Although this collection does not represent a comprehensive engagement with the intellectual history to which Winnicott contributed so significantly, it does propose that using his work to think about themes of importance to practitioners now is also a way of thinking about some of the present preoccupations of psychoanalysis.

'To think about Winnicott in terms of his links with others is to place him firmly in a discursive field of exchange, debate, theoretical and technical challenge. The papers collected here emphatically suggest there is much to be gained from reading Winnicott and the other psychoanalytic theorists and clinicians with attention and openness.'
- Lesley Caldwell, from the Introduction

'This book, inspired by Winnicott's life and work, adopts, broadly, two themes: the true self and the resonance of Winnicott's thinking with the contributions of other major psychoanalysts of the past half century. The second theme could be said to emerge from the first: the pursuit of authenticity, whether by patient or analyst. There is no more important concern for psychoanalysis. Our role, in a worldwhere the complex role of healing is often displaced by strategies of rationalisation and normalisation, requires defending by example. These papers are emblematic of analytic work at its finest. I cannot imagine anyone with a serious interest in mental health failing to be inspired by their integrity.'
- Paul Williams, Joint Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Psychoanalysis

About the Editor(s)

Lesley Caldwell is a member of the British Psychoanalytic Association in private practice in London. She is an Honorary Professor in the Psychoanalysis Unit and Honorary Senior Research Associate in the Italian Department at University College, London. As Chair of the Squiggle Foundation (2000-2003) and editor of the Winnicott Studies Monograph Series (2000-2008), she published four edited collections on D. W. Winnicott. She has been an editor for the Winnicott Trust since 2002 and was the Chair of Trustees from 2008-2012. She has a continuing interest in psychoanalysis and the arts and has also written on film and the city of Rome.

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