Women and Creativity: A Psychoanalytic Glimpse Through Art, Literature, and Social Structure
Part of Psychoanalysis and Women series - more in this series

Book Details
- Publisher : Routledge
- Published : April 2014
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 368
- Category :
Psychoanalysis - Category 2 :
Culture and Psychoanalysis - Catalogue No : 35386
- ISBN 13 : 9781782201458
- ISBN 10 : 1782201459
Also by Frances Thomson-Salo
Also by Laura Tognoli Pasquali
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This latest book in the Psychoanalysis and Women series includes writings from practising psychoanalysts mainly from Italy and Europe. They take a wide sweep in exploring many aspects of women's creativity with an emphasis throughout the chapters on the contribution of dreaming to creativity. It takes as its starting point creativity in clinical work in the consulting room, and puts forward new perspectives on psychoanalytic theory. The focus then turns to creativity in the life cycle, particularly when there are delays and difficulties in becoming pregnant, as well as the everyday creativity in overcoming obstacles to intimacy and coupling and being able to allow the female body in particular to be receptive to growing and nurturing an infant human being. It turns next to aspects of female creativity in the arts in the broadest sense, discussing artworks and sculpture, film and literature. Lastly, it considers aspects of creative living in society, the large, small and unseen creativity in culture, society and the structures that we live with. This book is dedicated to the memory of Mariam Alizade, who, as the second Chair of the International Psychoanalytical Association's Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis (COWAP), lived with such creativity.
Reviews and Endorsements
‘The title tells the truth: there is so much creativity in this book, which is not at all academic and which deals with a number of moving topics. More than about women, it speaks about our world, contemporary life and many stories seen from a woman’s perspective. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that this is a scientific book, based on that amazing human science that is psychoanalysis. Faced with this blossoming of female creativity, it is only natural to refl ect on how much women psychoanalysts still have to contribute in the future to the advancement of our understanding of mental life, both in individuals and in society as a whole.’
— Stefano Bolognini, President of the International Psychoanalytical Association
‘Feminine creativity – both psychic and biological – has for a long time remained a closely guarded secret despite the efforts that female analysts have made to cast light on the prevailing darkness. This bold and beautiful book about female creativity is delivered by Laura Tognoli Pasquali and Frances Thomson-Salo as tender midwives. The labour has been induced by both men and women – their feminine and masculine elements together contributing to the birth of the book.’
— Elina Reenkola, training analyst of the Finnish Psychoanalytic Society, past European co-chair of COWAP, and author of The Veiled Female Core
About the Editor(s)
Laura Tognoli Pasquali, after qualifying as a medical doctor in Italy, moved to London where she worked as a psychiatrist in hospitals and therapeutic communities. She trained with the British Psychoanalytical Society in the Kleinian group and in 1976 qualified as an analyst. Back in Italy, she worked in Milan mainly in private practice, becoming a training and supervising analyst in the Italian Psychoanalytical Society. Eventually she moved to a small fishing village on the Ligurian Riviera and there she had the opportunity to cultivate a lifelong interest: growing flowers and plants. Taking care of plants has widened her love of teaching and her attention to clinical work; she has seen many women and men on her couch and thought deeply about their life experiences. As a result she was pleased to accept to become a member of the Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis.
More titles by Laura Tognoli Pasquali
Frances Thomson Salo trained with the British Society as a child and adult psychoanalyst, is a Training analyst and past President of the Australian Psychoanalytical Society, Chair of the International Psychoanalytical Association Committee of Women in Psychoanalysis, an editorial board member of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, a consultant infant mental health clinician at the Royal Women's Hospital and child psychotherapist at the Royal Children's Hospital, an Honorary Fellow of the Murdoch Children's Research Institute, an Associate Professor on the faculty of the University of Melbourne Graduate Diploma for Infant and Parent Mental Health, and has published on child and infant-parent psychotherapy.
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