Working with Dreams in Transactional Analysis: From Theory to Practice for Individuals and Groups

Author(s) : Anna Emanuela Tangolo, Author(s) : Francesca Vignozzi

Part of Innovations in Transactional Analysis: Theory and Practice series - more in this series

Working with Dreams in Transactional Analysis: From Theory to Practice for Individuals and Groups

Book Details

  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Published : April 2024
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 280
  • Category :
  • Category 2 :
    Transactional Analysis
  • Catalogue No : 97634
  • ISBN 13 : 9781032418346
  • ISBN 10 : 1032418346
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This unique book, incorporating both theory and practice, provides an invaluable guide to the assessment of dreams in transactional analysis (TA).

Ground in the latest neuroscientific research, it offers both neophyte and experienced TA practitioners a pathway to incorporate a client’s dreams within individual and group therapy, exploring key issues including trauma, dissociation and nightmares, dreams of change and transformation, dreams of healing, and transference and countertransference in dreams.

It will support therapists through the very first steps toward the analysis of more complex interpersonal dynamics and dream analysis in a group setting. Also discussing the direction of future research in the area, as well as an overview of an experiment on dream analysis during the recent pandemic. This will be key reading for anyone working in the field.

Reviews and Endorsements

One cannot talk about this book without first talking about the cultural climate in which it was born, which is that of PerFormat, a school of Transactional Analysis in Pisa that is a breeding ground of ideas and culture, open to all approaches, stimulating curiosity, desire and passion to learn in a field as complex as that of helping relationships. This book, written by Anna Emanuela Tangolo and Francesca Vignozzi, testifies very well to their commitment and working style. They deal with all aspects of dreams and dreamwork in depth. As the reader will have seen, the different chapters explore several issues related to dreamwork, ranging in different theories, even far from Transactional Analysis.
Paolo Migone, psychoanalyst MD, coeditor of the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane and co president of Rapaport-Klein Study Group (Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Massachusetts)

As contemporary transactional analysis has re-incorporated notions of unconscious experience, it has done so primarily through an emphasis on relationality, as evidenced within the dyadic dynamics of the transference-countertransference relationship and enactments. Dreamwork, as developed here by Tangolo and Vignozzi, brings attention back to unconscious forces within the contexts of intrapsychic conflicts and desires. While this book offers a detailed accounting of working with dreams within a transactional analysis context, the authors draw upon a broad spectrum of psychoanalytic authors and dream researchers. This is a book that will speak to psychotherapists of all disciplines with an interest in dreams.
William F. Cornell, Training and Supervising Member of the International Transactional Analysis Association

Table of Contents

1. Dreams in psychology and psychotherapy
2. Neurosciences and dreams
3. Transactional Analysis of dreams Suggestion: The history and culture of dreams
4. Our method of dream analysis in the different settings
5. Dreams in individual psychotherapy
6. Script dreams, recurring dreams Suggestion: Kafka, insomnia and dreams
7. Trauma, dissociation, nightmares
8. Change and transformation dreams
9. Dreams of healing
10. Transference and dreams Suggestion: Cinema and Fellini
11. Dreamwork in group therapy
12. Countertransference dreams
Suggestion: Cinema Sci-Fi, Anime and Graphic Novels

About the Author(s)

Anna Emanuela Tangolo is a psychotherapist and Director of the PerFormat Psychotherapy Specializing School (Pisa and Catania, Italy). She is accredited by the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA) as a Certified Transactional Analyst (CTA) and as a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (TSTA). In 2012 she founded PerFormat Salute, a professional network for the promotion of psycho-physical health involving over eighty professionals – counsellors, psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists – in more than twenty polyfunctional centres all around Italy.

More titles by Anna Emanuela Tangolo

Francesca Vignozzi is a psychologist and psychotherapist, supervisor, and teacher (PTSTA-P) in training at the European Transactional Analysis Association. She is deputy director of the PerFormat school in Pisa, Genoa, and Catania. She has published the book Comprendere la psicoterapia and is the author of several articles and scientific contributions on psychodynamic transactional analysis.

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