Worlds of Autism: Across the Spectrum of Neurological Difference

Editor : Joyce Davidson, Editor : Michael Orsini

Worlds of Autism: Across the Spectrum of Neurological Difference

Book Details

  • Publisher : University of Minnesota Press
  • Published : 2013
  • Cover : Paperback
  • Pages : 368
  • Category :
    Autism and Aspergers
  • Catalogue No : 35385
  • ISBN 13 : 9780816688890
  • ISBN 10 : 0816688893
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Amid controversies about the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of autism, a timely collection of new and critical perspectives on how the disorder is understood and represented

Bringing together innovative work on autism by international scholars in the social sciences and humanities, Worlds of Autism boldly challenges the deficit narrative prevalent in both popular and scientific accounts of autism spectrum disorders. A major contribution to this emerging, interdisciplinary field, it situates autism within an abilities framework that respects the complex personhood of individuals with autism.

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