Writing and Presenting Research

Book Details
- Publisher : Sage
- Published : 2006
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 280
- Category :
Research - Catalogue No : 24451
- ISBN 13 : 9781412902939
- ISBN 10 : 1412902932
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This accessible and wide-ranging book is an invaluable introductory guide through the choices to be made when deciding how to report research. "Writing and Presenting Research" covers research written as theses and dissertations; chapters, books, reports and articles in academic, professional or general media, such as newspapers; and also reviews the options for presenting research orally as lectures, keynotes, conference papers and even TV game shows. These forms of reporting research have well-established conventions for their formats, but they also have growing numbers of alternative possibilities. This has generated debate about what is, or is not, acceptable, and the aim of this book is to make this debate more manageable for those wanting to assess which of the conventional or alternative possibilities on offer is most appropriate for reporting their current research.Arranged in easily followed section enlivened with checklists, style variations, examples and reflection points, "Writing and Presenting Research" has relevance to the social sciences, arts, humanities, natural and applied sciences and law and is an invaluable reference tool for new and experienced researchers alike.
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