Top 10 Titles

Sitting on a Suitcase: Psychoanalytic Stories

1. Sitting on a Suitcase: Psychoanalytic Stories

Edited by Halina Brunning, Olya Khaleelee

  • Paperback £23.19 (RRP : £28.99 save £5.80)

A powerful, multifaceted collection of accounts of what it means to be Jewish; to live under the shadow of anti-Semitism and unspoken threat of emigration. This diverse, minority community is marked... (more)

Telling the Truth: The Therapist’s Dilemma

2. Telling the Truth: The Therapist’s Dilemma

by Rob Hill

  • Paperback £22.49 (RRP : £24.99 save £2.50)
  • eBook £19.99 (RRP : £24.99 save £5.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £26.99 (RRP : £44.98 save £17.99)

‘Speak the truth here’ is a therapist’s invitation to their client – but is the same true for the therapist? Can and should psychotherapists speak honestly with clients and share the difficult truths... (more)

The Hardest Passage: A Psychoanalyst Accompanies Her Patient’s Journey into Dementia

3. The Hardest Passage: A Psychoanalyst Accompanies Her Patient’s Journey into Dementia

by Maxine Anderson

  • Paperback £15.19 (RRP : £18.99 save £3.80)

A fascinating narrative of a psychoanalyst’s experience of working with a patient with dementia. It is interspersed with current theory from the literature on attachment, object relations, and... (more)

Radical Adventure: An Inquiry into Psychedelic Psychotherapy

4. Radical Adventure: An Inquiry into Psychedelic Psychotherapy

by Andrew Feldmar

  • Paperback £17.09 (RRP : £18.99 save £1.90)
  • eBook £15.99 (RRP : £18.99 save £3.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £20.99 (RRP : £34.98 save £13.99)

Andrew Feldmár trained under R. D. Laing and worked with Stanislav Grof and Paul Watzlawick. A pioneer of psychedelic psychotherapy, he presents its history, his personal experiences, and his wishes... (more)

Beyond the Dynamic Unconscious

5. Beyond the Dynamic Unconscious

by Franco De Masi

  • Paperback £24.29 (RRP : £26.99 save £2.70)
  • eBook £21.99 (RRP : £26.99 save £5.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £28.99 (RRP : £48.98 save £19.99)

Franco De Masi opens psychotherapeutic practice to include psychic suffering considered unreachable. ‘Unanalysable’ patients have an inactive dynamic unconscious, so clinicians must go beyond to... (more)

The Forgotten Analyst: Hermine Hug-Hellmuth (1871–1924)

6. The Forgotten Analyst: Hermine Hug-Hellmuth (1871–1924)

by Prophecy Coles

  • Paperback £25.19 (RRP : £27.99 save £2.80)
  • eBook £22.99 (RRP : £27.99 save £5.00)
  • Paperback + eBook £29.99 (RRP : £50.98 save £20.99)

Why was the first Viennese child psychoanalyst murdered by her nephew? Hermine Hug-Hellmuth was much admired by Freud but her tragic end was seen as bringing shame to the psychoanalytic world; her... (more)

The Allure of Psychic Retreats: Clinical and Theoretical Inquiries

7. The Allure of Psychic Retreats: Clinical and Theoretical Inquiries

Edited by Heinz Weiss, Abbot Bronstein

  • Paperback £30.59 (RRP : £33.99 save £3.40)

This book celebrates the eminent contributions by John ­Steiner to psychoanalytic theory and practice. It contains papers by colleagues and friends concerning one of his most important concepts, the... (more)

Life and Death: Our Relationship with Ageing, Dementia, and Other Fates of Time

8. Life and Death: Our Relationship with Ageing, Dementia, and Other Fates of Time

by Andrew Balfour

  • Paperback £22.49 (RRP : £24.99 save £2.50)

Life and Death considers ageing and mortality from a psychoanalytic perspective and from the point of view of the individual, the couple, and the family.

Andrew Balfour’s approach focuses on... (more)

Is It Ever Just Sex?

9. Is It Ever Just Sex?

by Darian Leader

  • Paperback £10.99

'It was just sex…'

It’s a familiar claim. But it’s also an impossibility, as Darian Leader shows in this delightfully thought-provoking study.

Our bodies aren’t just sticks that make fire when... (more)

What Alive Means: Psychoanalytic Explorations

10. What Alive Means: Psychoanalytic Explorations

by Thomas Ogden

  • Paperback £22.49 (RRP : £24.99 save £2.50)

Internationally acclaimed for the clarity of his writing and thinking, Ogden radically reconceives psychoanalysis as a therapeutic process in which a person comes not only to better know him- or... (more)

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