Meg Harris Williams

Meg Harris Williams

Meg Harris Williams, a writer and artist, studied English at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford and art at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Florence, and has had a lifelong psychoanalytic education, working closely with Donald Meltzer. She has written and lectured extensively in the UK and abroad on psychoanalysis and literature. She is a visiting lecturer for AGIP and at the Tavistock Centre in London, and an Honorary Member of the Psychoanalytic Center of California. She is married with four children and lives in Farnham, Surrey.

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Showing 1 to 26 of 26 items
The Apprehension of Beauty: The Role of Aesthetic Conflict in Development, Art and Violence

The Apprehension of Beauty: The Role of Aesthetic Conflict in Development, Art and Violence

by Donald Meltzer, Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £28.99

This volume has grown over the years as a family project of Martha Harris, her two daughters Meg and Morag and her husband, Donald Meltzer. It therefore has its roots in English literature and its... (more)

The Tavistock Model: Papers on Child Development and Psychoanalytic Training

The Tavistock Model: Papers on Child Development and Psychoanalytic Training

by Martha Harris, Esther Bick

  • Paperback £31.50 (RRP : £35.00 save £3.50)

This is one of a new two volume edition of Collected Papers of Martha Harris and Esther Bick, which includes some papers not published in the first edition. The companion volume, Adolescence, by... (more)

Donald Meltzer: A Contemporary Introduction

Donald Meltzer: A Contemporary Introduction

by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £19.79 (RRP : £21.99 save £2.20)

In this intelligent and insightful work, Meg Harris Williams presents a clear and readable introduction to the works of influential psychoanalyst Donald Meltzer. The book covers Meltzer's ideas on... (more)

Adolescence: Talks and Papers by Donald Meltzer and Martha Harris

Adolescence: Talks and Papers by Donald Meltzer and Martha Harris

by Donald Meltzer, Martha Harris

  • Paperback £31.99

This volume contains a representative selection of talks and writings by Martha Harris and Donald Meltzer on the key developmental phase of adolescence, from their teachings both separately and... (more)

Man's Picture of His World and Three Papers

Man's Picture of His World and Three Papers

by Roger Money-Kyrle

  • Paperback £29.99

This new edition of Roger Money-Kyrle’s classic work is published together with three of his late papers, ‘Cognitive development’, ‘The aim of psychoanalysis’, and ‘On being a psychoanalyst’. Its... (more)

The Aesthetic Development: The Poetic Spirit of Psychoanalysis: Essays on Bion, Meltzer, Keats

The Aesthetic Development: The Poetic Spirit of Psychoanalysis: Essays on Bion, Meltzer, Keats

by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £34.99

'Few people would be better qualified than Meg Harris Williams to write this innovative and eagerly anticipated post-Kleinian book. Deeply versed in the opus of Bion and Meltzer, Harris Williams... (more)

Selected Papers of Donald Meltzer: Volume 1: Personality and Family Structure

Selected Papers of Donald Meltzer: Volume 1: Personality and Family Structure

by Donald Meltzer

  • Paperback £23.39 (RRP : £25.99 save £2.60)

This new selection from the papers of Donald Meltzer spans his working life and serves as an introduction to all his key concepts, such as: aesthetic conflict, the claustrum, adhesive identification,... (more)

A Meltzer Reader: Selections from the Writings of Donald Meltzer

A Meltzer Reader: Selections from the Writings of Donald Meltzer

Edited by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £25.99

'Donald Meltzer was a distinguished psychoanalyst and one of Klein's most productive and prominent analysands. He was a very influential teacher internationally and an extraordinary practitioner and... (more)

Your Teenager: Thinking About Your Child During the Secondary School Years

Your Teenager: Thinking About Your Child During the Secondary School Years

by Martha Harris

  • Paperback £29.99

The Teenager books by Martha Harris, originally published in 1969, take a similar approach to her long-term bestseller Thinking about Infants and Young Children. Rooted vividly in the practicalities... (more)

Enabling and Inspiring: A Tribute to Martha Harris

Enabling and Inspiring: A Tribute to Martha Harris

Edited by Meg Harris Williams, Maria Rhode

  • Paperback £32.99

Martha Harris (1919-1987) was one of the most influential and also one of the most loved psychoanalysts of the generation that trained with Melanie Klein. She also worked with Wilfred Bion, and wrote... (more)

Art and Analysis: An Adrian Stokes Reader

Art and Analysis: An Adrian Stokes Reader

by Adrian Stokes

  • Paperback £24.99

This edition is an introductory selection from the writings of Adrian Stokes (1902-1972), the Kleinian aesthete who created a unique vision of the relation between psychoanalysis, art, and aesthetic... (more)

Teaching Bion: Modes and Approaches

Teaching Bion: Modes and Approaches

Edited by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £25.99

This book is one of a short series on the teaching of post-Kleinian psychoanalysis, with a companion volume on Teaching Meltzer.

Wilfred Bion always emphasised that he had no desire to implant... (more)

Selected Papers of Donald Meltzer: Volume 2: Philosophy and History of Psychoanalysis

Selected Papers of Donald Meltzer: Volume 2: Philosophy and History of Psychoanalysis

by Donald Meltzer

  • Paperback £23.39 (RRP : £25.99 save £2.60)

This new selection from the papers of Donald Meltzer spans his working life and serves as an introduction to all his key concepts, such as: aesthetic conflict, the claustrum, adhesive identification,... (more)

Selected Papers of Donald Meltzer: Volume 3: The Psychoanalytic Process and the Analyst

Selected Papers of Donald Meltzer: Volume 3: The Psychoanalytic Process and the Analyst

by Donald Meltzer

  • Paperback £23.39 (RRP : £25.99 save £2.60)

This new selection from the papers of Donald Meltzer spans his working life and serves as an introduction to all his key concepts, such as: aesthetic conflict, the claustrum, adhesive identification,... (more)

Teaching Meltzer: Modes and Approaches

Teaching Meltzer: Modes and Approaches

Edited by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £25.99

This book is one of a short series on the teaching of post-Kleinian analysis, with a companion volume on Teaching Bion.

The trials and tribulations of teaching are intimately connected with... (more)

Counterdreamers: Analysts Reading Themselves

Counterdreamers: Analysts Reading Themselves

Edited by Meg Harris Williams, Miriam Botbol

  • Paperback £27.99

‘Counterdreaming’ is Donald Meltzer’s term for the psychoanalytic reverie that arises from the countertransference during the session, in response to the analysand’s own dreams and phantasies. He... (more)

The Becoming Room: Filming Bion's <i>A Memoir of the Future</i>

The Becoming Room: Filming Bion's A Memoir of the Future

by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £25.99

The contents of this book represent a series of experiments in dramatizing Bion’s A Memoir of the Future, the primary one being an unfinished film begun in India in the 1980s and directed by Kumar... (more)

The Art of Personality in Literature and Psychoanalysis

The Art of Personality in Literature and Psychoanalysis

by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £35.99

The Art of Personality is a diverse selection of talks and papers on psychoanalysis and literature given by the author over the past ten years. They elaborate on the goal expressed by Milton as... (more)

A Journey Abroad: Wartime Poems Serving with the FAU

A Journey Abroad: Wartime Poems Serving with the FAU

by Roland J. Harris

  • Paperback £14.99

The poems in this book were written between 1944 and 1946 whilst the author was serving with the Friends Ambulance Unit, first in London hospitals and then in northwest Europe following the Allied... (more)

Aesthetic Conflict and its Clinical Relevance

Aesthetic Conflict and its Clinical Relevance

by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £30.99

Donald Meltzer coined the term ‘aesthetic conflict’ to describe the emotional complexities of the ‘apprehension of beauty’. It had its roots in art, literature, infant observation, and above all, in... (more)

The Educational Role of the Family: A Psychoanalytical Model

The Educational Role of the Family: A Psychoanalytical Model

by Donald Meltzer, Martha Harris

  • Paperback £14.99

This tract was commissioned from Donald Meltzer and Martha Harris in 1976 by the Organisation for Economic and Cultural Development as part of a project to develop policies and programmes that would... (more)

The Chamber of Maiden Thought: Literary Origins of the Psychoanalytic Model of the Mind

The Chamber of Maiden Thought: Literary Origins of the Psychoanalytic Model of the Mind

by Meg Harris Williams, Margot Waddell

  • Hardback £140.00

Literature is recognised as having significantly influenced the development of modern psychoanalytic thought. In recent years psychoanalysis has drawn increasingly on the literary and artistic... (more)

The Vale of Soulmaking: The Post-Kleinian Model of the Mind

The Vale of Soulmaking: The Post-Kleinian Model of the Mind

by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £48.99

The post-Kleinian model of the mind, as developed by W. R. Bion and Donald Meltzer, is essentially an aesthetic one. It is founded on Melanie Klein's discovery of the "internal object" with its... (more)

Bion's Dream: A Reading of the Autobiographies

Bion's Dream: A Reading of the Autobiographies

by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £19.99

'This book offers a definitive reading of Bion's remarkable autobiographical writings from a perspective embedded in the poetry of the ages, that of the Romantics in particular. It is at once learned... (more)

Dream Sequences in Shakespeare: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

Dream Sequences in Shakespeare: A Psychoanalytic Perspective

by Meg Harris Williams

  • Paperback £29.69 (RRP : £32.99 save £3.30)

This book takes a new approach to Shakespeare's plays, exploring them as dream-thought in the modern psychoanalytic sense of unconscious thinking.

Through his commitment to poetic language,... (more)

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