Even in today's more enlightened society, it takes courage for many lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals to "come out of the closet" and embrace their sexual orientation and... (more)
The Addiction Casebook consists of 13 clinical cases that exemplify DSM-5 addiction diagnoses commonly encountered in clinical practice. Written in a colloquial, engaging, and easy-to-understand... (more)
The Behavioral Addictions is the first American Psychiatric Publishing title to explore the diagnosis and treatment of patients who suffer from behavioral addictions, extreme forms of which share... (more)
Featuring embedded exercises and guided meditations - as well as an appendix with audio guided meditations and a resource list - Becoming Mindful: Integrating Mindfulness Into Your Psychiatric... (more)
Motivational Interviewing for Clinical Practice teaches the reader how to use the critically important tool of motivational interviewing to promote health and well-being. Based on the theoretical... (more)