Marianna Csoti

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Social Awareness Skills for Children

Social Awareness Skills for Children

by Marianna Csoti

  • Print £26.99

Children, particularly those with special needs, can require considerable help in learning how to relate to other people and how to behave in social situations. This volume offers guidance for those... (more)

People Skills for Young Adults

People Skills for Young Adults

by Marianna Csoti

  • Print £24.99

A complete course in social skills training for students aged 16 and up, this text is particularly designed for those with mild learning difficulties. Areas covered include: friends and relatioships,... (more)

Contentious Issues

Contentious Issues

by Marianna Csoti

  • Print £26.99

Challenging prejudice, stereotyping and judgemental behaviour, this book consists of forty discussion stories which reflect society and the problems young people face today. (more)

School Phobia, Panic Attacks and Anxiety in Children

School Phobia, Panic Attacks and Anxiety in Children

by Marianna Csoti

  • Paperback £21.99

Many children are challenged by anxiety at some time in their school career. Bringing together knowledge from her years of teaching and parenting, the author shows how parents and professionals can... (more)

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