Juliet Newbigin is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist with a long-standing interest in the impact of the wider social context on the development of individual identity within the family. She has been particularly concerned about the troubled history of the heteronormative understanding of sexual orientation in both psychoanalysis and Jungian analysis, and their failure to recognise the experience of the LGBTQI community. She has twice been given the BPC’s Bernard Rattigan Award for Psychoanalysis and Diversity, in 2015, jointly with Frank Lowe, and in 2019 with Leezah Hertzmann. She currently chairs the British Psychoanalytic Council’s Advisory Group on Sexual and Gender Diversity.
Sexuality and Gender Now uses a psychoanalytic approach to arrive at a more informed view of the experience and relationships of those whose sexuality and gender may not align with the heterosexual... (more)
This important book examines the ways in which same sex desire, or "homosexuality" has been theorised by psychoanalysis during its history to date and the impact of that on clinical... (more)