Luca Mingarelli is chairman of the Foundation Rosa dei Venti no profit. He is a social entrepreneur, psychotherapist (ECP,WCP), and organisational consultant. Since 1997, he is founder and director of Therapeutic Communities for Adolescents. He has worked in University La Bicocca Milan holding workshops. He is also past President and now Associate President of Il NODO Group Association and an OPUS member. He is founder and board member of the International Network Therapeutic Communities (INDTC) and of Mito&Realtà Association with the role of national convener of therapeutic communities for adolescents. He has been director and/or consultant of several international Group Relation Conferences (Italy, Peru, UK, USA, etc.) and of ten “Learning from Action” workshops. He has been a basketball coach and is member of the Order of Journalists. He has written several books on therapeutic communities for adolescents.
Since the early 1990s, Enrico Pedriali with R. D. Hinshelwood organised workshops in Italy known as the learning from action workshops. This novel approach evolved from applying the principles of... (more)