Tracy L. Tylka

Tracy L. Tylka, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology at The Ohio State University, USA. Her research focuses on both positive and negative body image as well as adaptive and maladaptive eating. To date, she has published 87 journal articles and has written three books and 20 book chapters. She is the Editor-in-Chief for Body Image: An International Journal of Research and on the editorial board for Eating Disorders: Journal of Treatment and Prevention. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Eating Disorders.

Yoga for Positive Embodiment in Eating Disorder Prevention and Treatment

Yoga for Positive Embodiment in Eating Disorder Prevention and Treatment

Edited by Catherine Cook-Cottone, Anne E. Cox

  • Paperback £38.99

There is a growing body of research exploring the effectiveness of yoga as a pathway to positive embodiment for those at-risk for and struggling with eating disorders. This book provides a... (more)

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