Lance Storm

Lance Storm is a Visiting Research Fellow at the School of Psychology, University of Adelaide, Australia. He has over 20 years post-doctoral research experience as a theorist and designer of funded experiments in parapsychology. Storm has published in major journals including Psychological Bulletin, Journal of Parapsychology and Journal of Scientific Exploration. He is a full member of the AIPR, and Chief Editor of the Australian Journal of Parapsychology.

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A New Approach to Psi: Re-Envisioning Paranormal Experience as Meaningful Coincidence

A New Approach to Psi: Re-Envisioning Paranormal Experience as Meaningful Coincidence

by Lance Storm

  • Paperback £35.99

This book critiques conventional parapsychological viewpoints about extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK), collectively referred to as ’psi’.

Since the 1930s, an over-arching view... (more)

A New Approach to Synchronicity: A Re-Appraisal of Jung’s Acausal Connecting Principle with a Focus on Psi

A New Approach to Synchronicity: A Re-Appraisal of Jung’s Acausal Connecting Principle with a Focus on Psi

by Lance Storm

  • Paperback £35.99

This book offers an up-to-date handling of C. G. Jung’s Theory of Synchronicity and the more mainstream paranormal phenomena known as extra-sensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK),... (more)

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