f you were emotionally, physically, or sexually abused as a child or adolescent, or if you experienced neglect or abandonment, it isn't a question of whether you will continue the cycle of abuse but... (more)
This is the first self-help book to address this abusive syndrome and to help readers manage the Jekyll/Hydes in their lives. Beverly Engel brings her expertise in emotionally abusive relationships... (more)
This work offers a comprehensive self help plan to help you provide for yourself what you missed as a child. Those who were emotionally abused or neglected in childhood tend to suffer from self... (more)
Shame is one of the most destructive of human emotions. If you suffered childhood physical or sexual abuse, you may experience such intense feelings of shame that it almost seems to define you a... (more)
Beverly Engel dispels the silence surrounding the Disappearing Woman Syndrome: a pervasive and disturbing syndrome that affects seventy-five percent of all women. "Loving Him without Losing You"... (more)