Harry Guntrip (1901–1975) was a psychologist known for his major contributions to object relations theory. He was a Fellow of the British Psychological Society and a psychotherapist and lecturer at the Department of Psychiatry, Leeds University, and also a Congregationalist minister. He was described by John D. Sutherland as ""one of the psychoanalytic immortals"".
How has a theory of man as a social being to be formulated if we are to do justice to his individuality, to the subtle ways in which his love and hate compete within his relations with others and to... (more)
Psychoanalytic Theory, Therapy and the Self presents, in a readily accessible form, the overall theoretical position adopted by Harry Guntrip in his two earlier books Personality Structure and Human... (more)
Based on a series of clinical studies of schizoid problems, this book is a sequel to Harry Guntrip's theoretical study of the emergence of the schizoid problem, Personality Structure and Human... (more)
Collected papers by Harry Guntrip, with a critical introduction. A key figure in British Psychoanalysis, Guntrip was analysed by Fairbairn and Winnicott and drew his theories from both. The papers... (more)