Joan Raphael-Leff

Joan Raphael-Leff, PhD, psychoanalyst (fellow, British Psychoanalytical Society) and social psychologist, leads the UCL/Anna Freud Centre academic faculty for psychoanalytic research. Previously, she was head of University College London's MSc in Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology, and professor of psychoanalysis at the Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex. For 35 years she has specialized in emotional issues of reproduction and early parenting, with more than 100 single-author peer-reviewed publications, and twelve books. Founder and first international chair of COWAP (IPA's Committee on Women and Psychoanalysis) in 1998, she provides training for practitioners working with teenage parents, and is consultant to perinatal and women's projects in many high and low income countries.

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Dark Side of the Womb: Pregnancy, Parenting and Persecutory Anxieties

Dark Side of the Womb: Pregnancy, Parenting and Persecutory Anxieties

by Joan Raphael-Leff

  • Paperback £18.00 (RRP : £20.00 save £2.00)


Chapter 1: MATERNAL ORIENTATIONS - Mothers' Approaches to Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting

Chapter 2: FAMILY CLIMATES - Interaction Between Fathers, Mothers, Babies and Siblings

Chapter... (more)

Female Experience: Four Generations of British Women Psychoanalysts on Work with Women: Second Edition

Female Experience: Four Generations of British Women Psychoanalysts on Work with Women: Second Edition

Edited by Joan Raphael-Leff, Rosine J. Perelberg

  • Paperback £17.50 (RRP : £25.00 save £7.50)

The analysis of women by women has made a valuable contribution to the development of psychoanalytic technique and theories on femininity, sexuality and embodiment. Female Experience presents... (more)

Working with Teenage Parents: Handbook of Theory and Practice

Working with Teenage Parents: Handbook of Theory and Practice

by Joan Raphael-Leff

  • Paperback £14.99

Includes DVD of Observation clips.

For practitioners working with pregnant teenagers, young parents and their children.

Parenting, like adolescence, is a profoundly disturbing experience,... (more)

Pregnancy: The Inside Story

Pregnancy: The Inside Story

by Joan Raphael-Leff

  • Paperback £33.99

Utilising her wealth of material and experience, Raphael-Leff explores various aspects of 'the inside story' of pregnancy. She answers such questions as: What meanings does childbearing have in the... (more)

Psychological Processes of Childbearing

Psychological Processes of Childbearing

by Joan Raphael-Leff

  • Paperback £35.99

Childbearing seems eternal, primordial and universal. Yet human reproduction in the 21st century is in a state of flux. This accessible book highlights dramatic changes that have occurred over the... (more)

Spilt Milk: Perinatal Loss and Breakdown

Spilt Milk: Perinatal Loss and Breakdown

Edited by Joan Raphael-Leff

  • Paperback £21.99

A collection of lectures by eminent members of the British Psycho-analytical Society. Includes papers on the experience of having a baby, pregnancy and the internal world, pregnancy after stillbirth... (more)

Parent-Infant Psychodynamics: Wild Things, Mirrors and Ghosts

Parent-Infant Psychodynamics: Wild Things, Mirrors and Ghosts

Edited by Joan Raphael-Leff

  • Paperback £28.99 (RRP : £32.99 save £4.00)

This text focuses on the interweaving psychic realities and unconscious dynamics between family members in the context of changing patterns of socio-cultural expectations, ethical considerations and... (more)

The Anna Freud Tradition: Lines of Development - Evolution of Theory and Practice over the Decades

The Anna Freud Tradition: Lines of Development - Evolution of Theory and Practice over the Decades

Edited by Norka T. Malberg, Joan Raphael-Leff

  • Paperback £52.99

This volume honours Anna Freud’s work and legacy by providing a detailed summary of the Psychoanalytic Developmental Tradition and illustrations of its contributions to the field of Child... (more)

The Marion Milner Tradition

The Marion Milner Tradition

Edited by Margaret Boyle Spelman, Joan Raphael-Leff

  • Paperback £34.99

The Marion Milner Tradition provides a comprehensive overview of Milner’s eight-volume oeuvre for the first time, and celebrates her pioneering achievements both in psychoanalytic world and in... (more)

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