Two central ideas have become part of the orthodoxy of modern family therapy thinking. The first is that the therapist is part of the system he or she observes, and the second is that the therapist... (more)
Irreverence: A strategy for Therapists' Survival marks the end result of a collaboration between the creative and highly respected therapists and writers in the family therapy field. It continues... (more)
For some time the family therapy field has been moving away from a problem-based approach to work with clients. Ideas such as "creating a new family story", focusing on strengths and solutions, and... (more)
These rare chapters offer a detailed portrait of Jackson and his work, with insightful introductions to frame the three sections into which the papers are divided: Early Clinical Observations,... (more)
The Mental Research Institute (MRI) has a distinguished history and can lay claim as the birthplace of numerous contributions to Communication/Interactional theory and innovations in the application... (more)