Events and Seminars

Event:IAFP 32nd Annual Conference
Venue:Le Corum, Montpellier, France
Date:30/05/2024 - 01/06/2024
Duration:3 Days
Extra Info:The Perverse Organisation: Turning a Blind Eye to Sexual Violence

Plenary Speakers: Susan Long, Cleo Van Velsen, Anna Motz, Elisabeth Letourneau, Nava Ben-Or, Jean-Marc Sauvé, Sébastien Boueilh, Carine Minne, Ray Galloway, Jimmy Savile

Media coverage often focuses on sexual violence, creating a sense of relentlessness and inevitability. Similarly, when reports of abuse within institutions emerge, it seems that deep down people somehow "knew" about it all along, albeit in retrospect, as if the abuse occurred openly.
According to Susan Long and others, the rise of narcissism and individualism in the late 20th century has exposed unconscious perverse dynamics within organizations, accompanied by conscious corruption. Within such "perverse organizations," collusive denial or willful ignorance becomes a defensive mechanism against a glaring reality, where individuals simultaneously both know and don't know about it.
This conference aims to delve into the exploration of unconscious perversity within organizations and the act of turning a blind eye. By doing so, we seek to gain insights into understanding sexual abuse at individual, organizational, and systemic levels. Drawing from an organizational and forensic psychotherapeutic standpoint, we aim to utilize this understanding to inform interventions and prevention strategies against sexual violence across these various levels.

Organised By:The International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy
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