Events and Seminars

Event:Rupture and Repair
Duration:3:30 - 5:30pm
Extra Info:Early Relationships and Mental Health Series: Session Five

With Tessa Baradon, Alice Jacobs Waterfall (Facilitator) & Alison Bruce (Facilitator)

Pioneers of infant research such as Stern, Trevarthen, Tronick and Beebe have contributed to understanding how the parent and infant co-construct their relationship in micro-events of interaction. Such interactions, largely embodied and too fleeting to reach conscious reflection, move in an ordinary way between states of ‘matching’, ‘mismatching’ and ‘repair’ between the partners (Tronick, 2007; Cohn & Tronick, 1989). Some mismatches, however, create a rupture which has the potential of negatively influencing the course of the relationship. In this talk, I will focus on such ruptures, which occur – inevitably – in infant mental health practice as in other situations of human relationships. I draw upon research into clinical process in psychoanalytic parent-infant psychotherapy (PPIP), in which we examined the characteristics of ruptures and their repair at the micro-level of the here-and-now in therapy sessions. Video material will be shown to illustrate how the very processes that create the rupture also frame interactive repair. I will argue that while the research base was therapy, the findings are relevant to all practitioners working with infants and their parents.
Organised By:Tavistock Relationships
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