Events and Seminars

Event:Enchanting the Unconscious
Duration:8:15 - 10pm GMT
Extra Info:This talk, delivered by Diane Finiello Zervas, will focus on the discovery, research, and writing of Enchanting the Unconscious: Jung, Great Britain and his English Seminars, 1919 and 1920, to be published by Routledge in May 2025. These seminars, reconstructed for the first time from contemporary first-hand notes, give unique insight into Jung’s interests, analytical, supervisory and teaching methods in the aftermath of his revolutionary ‘Confrontation with the Unconscious’ and creation of The Red Book. The notes were taken by Constance Long, Jung’s analysand, colleague, and editor of his Collected Papers on Analytic Psychology, 1916 and 1917. Her journal records her analysis and the experiences of Jung’s first London cohort.
Organised By:Association of Jungian Analysts
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