Events and Seminars

Event:Hate Speech as the Action of Inequality
Duration:6 - 7:30pm GMT
Extra Info:With Jill Gentile

This talk proposes that hate speech merits political consideration beyond society’s usual efforts to either banish or restrict, or alternatively, (as in the US context) to impose few restrictions on it. Hate thrives in the context of power relations, at times antagonizing such inequities, and further burdening the already oppressed; other times, hate disrupts closed systems by insisting on symbolic and real equality and inclusiveness. We’ll apply Winnicottian clinical and theoretical considerations of hate (and by inference, hate speech) for the birth of subject relations to broader societal relations and democratic ethics. We will ask how we might think about the movement from hate speech to “free” speech” — or a “speech of desire” — both as part of the work of analysis and a goal for the public sphere. We will further explore how Winnicott’s interrelated conceptions of hate, destruction, and breakdown may speak to political calls, emanating from both the political right and the left, for drastic structural change, while also catalyzing the remembrance of and reckoning with traumatic, archaic repressed truths.
Organised By:Psychoanalysis and Politics
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