Your Teenager: Thinking About Your Child During the Secondary School Years

Book Details
- Publisher : Harris Meltzer Trust
- Published : 2007
- Cover : Paperback
- Pages : 296
- Category :
Child and Adolescent Studies - Catalogue No : 25346
- ISBN 13 : 9781855754089
- ISBN 10 : 1855754088
Reviews and Endorsements
Two books associated with Martha Harris: Your Teenager and The Story of Infant Development (by Romana Negri, catalogue number 25825) are being published simultaneously to inaugurate the successor to the Roland Harris Educational Trust: the Harris Meltzer Trust.
'The impact she had on those she taught derived from her being, as well as from the power of her presentation of psychoanalytic ideas ... Her approach to learning was a beautiful exemplification of Bion's ideas. Many of her colleagues can bear witness to the subtlety of her judgments of people - and very many students benefited from her sensitive contact with the creative spark inside them which could elude other observers but which Mattie could seek out and nourish.'
- Margaret Rustin, Head of Child Psychotherapy, Tavistock Clinic
'It was through Martha Harris that I first gained an inkling of what real teaching and learning is: of the distinction, for example, between knowledge and wisdom, between quantity and quality; of the diffidence and humility as well as the courage and resilience involved in the life-long venture of growing up. Her passionate commitment to helping a person, at whatever age or stage, to develop, tended to stir in others an answering passion, less imitative than aspirational - the desire to become more oneself and to have a mind of one's own.'
- Margot Waddell, Psychoanalyst and Child Psychotherapist
'By both background and inclination, Mattie was a scholar of English literature and a teacher. Nothing was more foreign to her nature than the administrative requirements that devolved upon her at the Tavistock. The way in which she came to terms with this was by framing a radical pedagogical method, many of whose central ideas came from Roland [her husband]. The central conviction, later hallowed in Bion's concept of "learning from experience", was that the kind of learning which transformed a person into a professional worker had to be rooted in the intimate relations with inspired teachers, living and dead, present and in books.'
- Donald Meltzer, Psychoanalyst
1 The teenager at school
2 Work and further education
3 Leisure interests and activities
4 Family relationships
5 The teenager and society
6 Sex and love
7 Towards finding an identity and living creatively
Appendix A: Martha Harris's philosophy of education - by Meg Harris Williams
Appendix B: extracts from a model of the child-in-the-family-in-the-community - by Donald Meltzer and Martha Harris