The publication of Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e), written by two eating disorder specialists at London's world-famous Maudsley Hospital, was a milestone in the treatment of bulimia. For the first... (more)
In recent years our knowledge and understanding of eating disorders has advanced rapidly, with the diagnosis being expanded to include problems such as obesity and binge eating, and widespread... (more)
"The Female Body in Mind" introduces new ways of thinking about issues of women's mental health assessment and treatment. The multidisciplinary approach incorporates social, psychological, biological... (more)
Offers guidance for clinicians working with families and carers. This book demonstrates how active collaboration between professional and non-professional carers can maximise quality of life for both... (more)
While many aspects of eating disorders remain a mystery, there is growing evidence that collaboration is an essential element for treatment success. This book emphasises and explains the importance... (more)
Fifteen years have passed since the highly respected and widely known Anorexia Nervosa: A Survival Guide for Sufferers and Friends was written. This long awaited new edition builds on the work of the... (more)
An essential, authoritative and evidence-based self-help programme that has been used by bulimia sufferersfor over 20 years. This new edition maintains the essence of the original book, while... (more)
Skills-based Learning equips carers with the skills and knowledge needed to support those suffering from an eating disorder, and to help them to break free from the traps that prevent recovery.... (more)
This second edition of the Handbook of Eating Disorders offers a comprehensive, critical account of the whole field of eating disorders, incorporating both basic knowledge and a synthesis of the most... (more)
Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder: The New Maudsley Skills-Based Training Manual provides a framework for carer skills workshops which can be used by anyone working with these... (more)
Based on the authors' pioneering work and up-to-date research at London's Maudsley hospital, A Cognitive Interpersonal Therapy Workbook for Treating Anorexia Nervosa provides adults with anorexia... (more)