Paul Williams is a training and supervising analyst with The British Psychoanalytical Society and a member of the Royal Anthropological Institute. He was a consultant psychotherapist in the British National Health Service, retiring in 2010. From 2001-2007 he was Joint Editor-in-Chief, with Glen O. Gabbard, of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis. He has published widely on the subject of severe disturbance. He lives and practises in Hampshire, UK.
The Fifth Principle is the first of three books that take as their subject aspects of the author's life. This book reflects upon a period between birth and eight years of age; the second book will... (more)
The number of people suffering from different eating disorders has grown dramatically within the last twenty years. These two volumes examine feeding difficulties and eating disorders in children and... (more)
This insightful and beautifully written work explores non-linear processes of recovery of the loss of Self. The inherent healing power of hard-earned, wholehearted self-acceptance is conceived... (more)
A collection of papers which investigates the serious mental disturbance, often characterized by the presence of intrusive and invasive thoughts and fantasies that originate in a traumatic past but... (more)
This book is a result of the 2nd International Psychoanalytic Conference: "Aggression: From Fantasy to Action", held in May 2010.
It contains papers that were delivered to the conference, together... (more)
A distillation of many years' work on a therapeutic milieu ward of the Maudsley Hospital, in which psychotic patients were treated with an integral combination of psychiatric and psychological care... (more)
The line that separates those who kill from those who only think about it, and from those who injure themselves, is often thinner than we imagine. Convicted murderers serving life-sentences in... (more)
The number of people suffering from different eating disorders has grown dramatically within the last twenty years. These two volumes examine feeding difficulties and eating disorders in children and... (more)
This volume brings together papers from a number of international writers who are concerned with understanding and treating psychoses. The orientation of the text is psychoanalytic, but it is also... (more)
The International Journal of Psychoanalysis Key Papers Series brings together the most important psychoanalytic papers in the journal's eighty-year history in a series of accessible monographs.... (more)
Following the attacks of September 11th 2001, one of the resounding questions asked was "What would make anyone do such a thing?" The psychological mentality of the suicidal terrorist left a gaping... (more)
Since Freud invoked the Oedipus story to exemplify and verify his findings with patients and in analyzing his own dreams, psychoanalysis and literature have had a fruitful if often distrusting... (more)
In this volume a number of British psychoanalysts introduce us to psychoanlaytic definitions of intra-psychic and subjective meaning in patients suffering psychotic conditions. Irrespective of the... (more)
This book presents the proceedings of the of the conference on the Psychoanalytic Therapy of Severe Disturbance held in Belfast in June 2008.
The aim of the conference was to offer a state of the... (more)
Independent Psychoanalysis Today is a book that shows how contemporary Independent psychoanalysts think and work. There are three themes to the book: Independent thinking including the theory of... (more)
The second edition of this groundbreaking text represents a complete departure from the structure and format of its predecessor. Though still exhaustive in scope and designed to provide a knowledge... (more)