Bogdan Wolf

Bogdan Wolf

Bogdan Wolf received his PhD from Warwick University in the 1990s. He worked in the European School of Psychoanalysis before becoming editor of the Psychoanalytical Notebooks, a publication of the London Society in the Lacanian Orientation. He has authored several articles and book contributions in English, French, Spanish and Polish, co-edited the widely praised collection Later Lacan, and translated numerous texts. He has lived and worked in private practice in London for over twenty years.

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Showing 1 to 7 of 7 items
Psychoanalytical Notebooks No. 40: Love Event

Psychoanalytical Notebooks No. 40: Love Event

by Bogdan Wolf, Catherine Millot

  • Paperback £15.00

The latest issue No 40 of the Psychoanalytical Notebooks is devoted to love and revolves around a term Jacques Lacan introduced in 1973 – “Love Event”. The issue includes, for the first time in our... (more)

Psychoanalytical Notebooks No.14: Responses from Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalytical Notebooks No.14: Responses from Psychoanalysis

by Natalie Wulfing, Bogdan Wolf

  • Paperback £15.00

This special edition of the Psychoanalytical Notebooks is dedicated to the 3rd Congress of the NLS that took place in London in May 2005 featuring a 'Psyforum'. (more)

Lacanian Coordinates: From the Logic of the Signifier to the Paradoxes of Guilt and Desire

Lacanian Coordinates: From the Logic of the Signifier to the Paradoxes of Guilt and Desire

by Bogdan Wolf

  • Paperback £31.99

Psychoanalysis is an experience of truths and lies in language. It is also a discourse, and a praxis. Lacanian Coordinates takes the reader from the beginning of Lacan’s teaching, from the logic of... (more)

Psychoanalytical Notebooks 37/38: The Other, the One

Psychoanalytical Notebooks 37/38: The Other, the One

Edited by Bogdan Wolf

  • Paperback £10.50 (RRP : £15.00 save £4.50)

In Lacanian psychoanalysis, we are all talking about the One. Everyone is talking about the concept of the One.

Psychoanalytical Notebooks 37/38 joins the conversation, offering an array of... (more)

More Lacanian Coordinates: On Love, Psychoanalytic Clinic, and the Ends of Analysis

More Lacanian Coordinates: On Love, Psychoanalytic Clinic, and the Ends of Analysis

by Bogdan Wolf

  • Paperback £29.99

Psychoanalysis is an experience of truths and lies in language. It is also a discourse, and it is a praxis. Lacanian Coordinates takes the reader from the beginning of Lacan’s teaching, from the... (more)

Anxiety Between Desire and the Body: What Lacan Says in Seminar X

Anxiety Between Desire and the Body: What Lacan Says in Seminar X

by Bogdan Wolf

  • Paperback £34.99

This book provides a unique analysis of Lacan's conception of anxiety as presented in one of his most fascinating seminars, Seminar X. The seminar took place in the lead up to Lacan's infamous... (more)

The Later Lacan: An Introduction

The Later Lacan: An Introduction

Edited by Veronique Voruz, Bogdan Wolf

  • Paperback £24.05

This book includes essays by some of the finest practicing analysts and teachers of psychoanalysis in the Lacanian community today. The writings offer an essential introduction to the later teachings... (more)

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