Roger Litten - Editorial
Jacques-Alain Miller - The Barcelona Seminar on the Paths of Symptom Formation
Éric Laurent - The Pass and the Guarantee in the School
Marie-Hélène Brousse - Sexual... (more)
We have compiled a series of three texts selected from Jacques-Alain Miller’s interventions on Lacan’s teaching. This provides reference points to Miller’s trajectory through questions arising from... (more)
Editorial, Roger Litten
Judith Miller, The Next Stage of PIPOL
Pierre-Gilles Guéguen, Ten Axioms
Jean-Daniel Matet, New Relations to the Clinic and to... (more)
Editorial, Bogdan Wolf
Orthodoxy and Heresy
Jacques-Alain Miller, Heretics
Domenico Cosenza, The Heretic and the Orthodox
Francesca Biagi-Chai, Choice and Its Logic in... (more)